MLMT 114: Your Value Offerings

MLM Trigger Episode #114

Today we are going to talk about mapping out your MLM product or service offering visually in ascending order of VALUE and PRICE.

Today we are going to talk about mapping out your MLM product or service offering visually in ascending order of VALUE and PRICE. The Value Ladder allows you to cater to your client's needs no matter where they are at.

[Get your Value Ladder Chart to follow along]

To illustrate my point I told you the story that happened to me when I booked a free massage with a chiropractor. He provided value to me by giving me a really great massage and noticing that my back had scolioses. Because I had received value, I naturally wanted to move forward and get additional value from him again and again.

And just like the chiropractor, NO Value Ladder is complete without a good continuity program. There are many ways to structure your continuity program. It could be organized around your MLM products that your customer keep buying month after month. It could be membership sites, or ongoing coaching.

LISTEN: ▶️ Your Value Offerings


Now I’m aware that everyone has a different type of MLM products or services. At this point, you’re probably trying to figure out how the Value Ladder applies to your business.

You might be selling supplements or weight loss on the frontend and have no idea how to build up a backend Value Ladder.
-Well, what other value can you provide to people?
-Can you be more hands-on with them?
-Can you offer more personal attention?
-Can you provide services or physical products that enhance your primary offer?

When you figured out how to build a Value Ladder, you can also sell your customers “Do It Yourself” plans.

The Value Ladder is the key to building your marketing funnels and mastering everything else. This system does not work if all you have is one thing—like a cleansing supplements or essential oils. You need to be able to build out a full Value Ladder.

There’s no end to the level of backend services and experiences you can add. If you keep providing more and more value, people will spend more and more money to keep working with you. There really is no end to your Value Ladder. Imagine your excitement when for the first time someone will say yes!

Remember: if you add value, a percentage of your audience will always want to pay you the premium to get more value.

The only limit to your value offerings is your imagination. Keep thinking of higher and higher levels of service, and you can keep charging more and more money. There’s always something else you can offer.


It’s hard for MLMer’s to figure out how to add more offers to their Value Ladders. Typically, the process is very easy for someone selling information products because that ascension path has already been created and proven in thousands of different information-based companies.

-But what if you’re selling something else?
-What if you offer physical products or services, e-commerce or professional services where the path isn’t quite as clear?

Sometimes it takes a little thought and creativity.

If you already have a product or a service that you sell in the middle of your ladder.

-What type of “bait” could you create to attract your dream customer?

Most of us have a frontend product but nothing more to sell on the backend. Look at what else you could bundle together.

-Could you offer a coaching program?
-How about a live event?
-What other results or values could you give your customers?

The core issue people in MLM industry, isn’t a traffic or conversion problem. The only real problem we have is no Value Ladder. Because of that, we can’t build out a true sales funnel. We bring people into our sales funnel, but then the relationship end. People want to give us more money, but there is no clear path for them to follow. As soon as you understand and add those things into your business, customers naturally will start to ascend your ladder, ultimately paying you what you are worth.

While it’s not always obvious what you can add to the frontend or the backend of your business, I promise that the solutions are there. If you want to succeed and beat out your competition, you need to have this Value Ladder in place.

LISTEN: ▶️ Your Value Offerings

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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