MLMT 130: Your Toolkit To Warm Up The Prospect

MLM Trigger Episode #130

Today let’s go deeper into how to use a Bridge Funnel and Pre-Frame your prospects.

PRE-FRAME BRIDGE: The most common building blocks and use for pre-frames. Remember, the goal with a pre-frame is to warm up the prospects so they are in the correct frame of mind to be most receptive to your offer. All of the Pre-Frame Bridge have a CTA (call to action) somewhere on the page.

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A call to action is simply where you ask the reader to do something like: Click here to learn more, subscribe today, get your free sample here. In an article, the call to action can be a simple link inside the text, a big button at the bottom of the article. let’s look at different option for your bridge funnel.

You can use Quizzes which are great tools for engaging your audience and getting their brains primed for your sales page. The questions you ask don’t matter much, you just want to get people engaged in the process.

To get a great pre-frame, you want to get people thinking along the same lines as the next step in the funnel. Let them know the problem your business solves for them. Use the quiz questions to help them remember how much they hate to go on the scale when they know they have too much weight or what ever your product solve.

You can do a simple pre-frame quiz before someone joins your email list.

If you require people to opt-in, then ask them to give you an email address to get their quiz results, you will killed two birds with one stone. The prospect has moved through both the pre-frame and the qualify subscribers phases in the funnel. Then you try to qualify them as a buyer by making an offer immediately after they opts-in.

Now, you may be wondering how many questions to include and how to get people to stay with the quiz all the way to the end. You can use three or four questions, and you number each one so they know how much farther they have to go (Step 1 of 4, Step 2 of 4 ...).

You can use Articles: They are use as a pre-frame for cold traffic coming from a banner ad. These are more effective if they appear on someone else’s website. It’s like a third-party endorsement.

Here’s how it works. Someone clicks your banner ad and lands on a website with a pre-frame article. It might be a case study of how you helped an individual solve a problem. It might be an article about how your product works. It sets up the problem that is required to solve. Then you add a call to action somewhere on the page.

You can use News: Anything that is perceived as news commands more attention than other reading matter. Our brains are programmed to pay special attention to anything that might be a threat. This is why everything on the evening news is a “Special Alert” or “Disaster Update.” Each headline is phrased to get our attention and convince us a developing event is sure to destroy the world as we know it. If your pre-frame is attached somehow to a current news story, you’ll automatically receive a lot of attention for as long as that story continues to dominate the news. Don’t forget to add a call to action somewhere on the page.

You can use Blogs: A blog post can be used to pre-frame any topic. For example, maybe you work in a crowded industry with many competitors who all provide basically the same MLM solution. You could write a blog post explaining how every other independent associate is the same, while yours is different and better and add your CTA.

You can use Videos: YouTube videos make great pre-frame material, especially for testimonials. The video should focus on the problem for the viewer and educate them on some idea. The goal is to make them desire the solution you offer. Then attach a link below the video with the CTA

You can use Email: Pre-framing with email works well when you buy a solo ad or use JV partners to endorse you to their lists. No matter whose list you’re mailing to, you’re essentially borrowing their credibility to pre-frame you as a great person or to pre-frame your offer as a great solution. Then you add a call to action somewhere on the page.

You can use Presell Pages: Sometimes you have to educate people before you sell to them. A presell page tells a story. It’s a longer article used to give background information that the prospect might need. Once they have this information, they are in the right frame of mind to understand and buy the offer.

For example, maybe you sell “email marketing software”, but some of your prospects don’t know what email marketing is or why their businesses need it. You might send them to a presell page on your website that explains exactly how email marketing helps grow businesses. Then you add a call to action, which will take them to your product offer. This strategy works great for affiliates who want to warm up the prospect before sending them straight over to someone else’s sales page.

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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