MLMT 131: Your Toolkit To Add Subscribers To Your List

MLM Trigger Episode #131

Today we are going to go into how to qualify your subscribers.

The next phase is to qualify your subscribers. Remember the goal here is simply to get people to opt-in to your list, subscribe to your newsletter, or request a free offer you’ve put in front of them. You’re separating out the casual visitors from the people who are willing to trade their email addresses in return for more information.

LISTEN ▶️ Your Toolkit To Add Subscribers To Your List

Pop-Ups: Remember years ago when those annoying little boxes popped up on your screen almost every time you visited a website? “Congratulations! You just won ... this, this.” They may have been annoying, but they worked like crazy to get people to opt into a list. Pop-ups can still be effective if used carefully.

Squeeze Page: The squeeze page is the simplest way to qualify subscribers. It was developed as a way to increase subscribers without using pop-ups. It’s a simple opt-in page that requires people to give you their email addresses to get access to something on the next page (a free report or a free video).

There are only two options on the page to subscribe or to leave. The magic of a squeeze page is the complete lack of distractions. There are no ads to look at and no navigation menu tabs to click. People are forced to focus on your most important message— the one message you want to give them. And they have to make a decision: either give you their email address or leave the page. A squeeze page has only one goal—to get the visitor to subscribe or request information.

Squeeze Pop: The squeeze pop is a way to get people to join your list via a button on your blog or other web pages. When they click on that button, a squeeze page pop-up. If a visitor gives you their email address, they are taken to the next page. Squeeze pop buttons are great because you can place them in a ton of places, places where you traditionally wouldn’t be able to get opt-ins, like articles and blog posts. A squeeze-pop combines a clickable button with a pop-up web form.

Free-Plus-Shipping - Two-Step Form: This type of form takes advantage of buyer psychology and combines the “qualify subscribers” and “qualify buyers” steps into one sequence. Step one qualifies subscribers by asking for contact information and email address. Step two qualifies buyers by asking for credit card information, usually to cover shipping costs. That is how many companies structures most of their free-plus-shipping offers. A two-step form allows you to collect a name and email address on step one and credit card information on step two.

Anyone who fills out step one of this form is automatically added to an email list and is qualified as a subscriber—even if he/she doesn’t fill out step two.

Webinar Registration: You can use free webinars as a way to generate leads. When people register for the webinar, they naturally need to give you their email address because you need to send them details about the webinar. If it’s an automated webinar, they pick which day they want to watch, fill in their email, and great! A new subscriber is on your list. And because they signed up for a webinar, they’ll be looking for your email.

Webinar registrations are a natural way to collect an email address because people expect you to send them more information about the webinar via email.

Free Account: Signing people up for a free account works especially well with software and membership programs. Create a membership site, or a “lite” version of your software, and give it to people for free. When visitors create an account to get access to the membership or the software, they are added to your subscriber list. Often these types of pages are very similar to squeeze pages, but because they are actually “creating an account,” you can get a lot more information and still keep your conversions high. Free accounts allow you to collect more personal information about a subscriber like physical address and phone number.

Exit Pop: An exit pop is a last-chance pop-up after people click away from your site. It asks if they’re sure they really want to leave without subscribing. You may even make a special offer to people if they decide to subscribe before they close the exit pop. Once people leave your site, there’s a good chance they’ll never come back. So, you can afford to annoy them a little bit with an exit pop. It may be your last chance to keep them engaged with you. You can use exit pops as a final appeal to the visitor to give you their email address.

LISTEN ▶️ Your Toolkit To Add Subscribers To Your List

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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