MLMT 154: Your Happy Customers

MLM Trigger Episode #154

We talked about the false beliefs someone have about your new opportunity, that keep them from moving forward. Today let’s talk about the money skills for selling effectively.

Before you ever start selling anything, your first step is to create an IRRESISTIBLE OFFER. This is the product/opportunity you are selling at the end of your online presentation. Also you need to learn about the two money skills before you are creating your offer.

As an entrepreneur you need to know the two components that matter most in your business: The first one is TRAFFIC and second one are CONVERSIONS. This is where you will make the most money in the long term. If you are not making money, it’s usually not a traffic problem but a conversion issue.

LISTEN ▶️ Your Happy Customers

Let’s say that someone get your landing page, then the customer decide to buy and click the next page to join your company. You are converting them and that conversion is a sale. The goal of a sale is merely a transfer of belief from one person to another.

To start you need to be passionate about your product or opportunity. Then it’s really easy to transfer emotion and belief about something when you have passion.

Learning to persuade people to make decisions and take action will increases the number of people you can effectively serve.

In order to be effective in persuasion you must have the mindset that is based on helping your prospect solve their challenges. It’s more valuable when you create your own testimonial, your own success story. You are the success story because it has a value attached to it.

Let's figure out who you should be talking to actually make a sale.

It's usually one of those two things: Basically you're either not converting because your message is wrong or your message isn't getting in front of the correct people.

Meaning to write the correct message and make sure it's getting in front of your target audience.

Would you talk to someone who's an athlete in the same way than someone who are trying to lose weight? You would have to speak differently to them. Right

You can't sell something to someone who doesn't already have a pre-existing desire to consume what you're selling or who never wanted that in the first place.

Ask yourself:

-Who already has a pre-existing desire for what you’re selling?
-What group of people already has a pre-disposition to purchase your new opportunity that you’re offering?

Put your product in front of those people who want what you're selling. This way, you're not selling. They already want what you're selling. If you can get your target market, you don't have to do all these hard closes because they already want it.

People don’t want to be sold in general but they would rather purchase. Different way to think about it… is everybody should have their own sales funnels, they should have their own marketing material, their own landing pages, their own baits to talk to people. Don’t forget you want to make your message personal.

One of the issues our MLM industry… Is that every distributor out there is using the exact same marketing material as you. They have the same product, the same marketing material that your MLM has created and it’s so broad. It is meant to appeal to every person in the world. Often it doesn’t have much perceived value...

It's not very genuine and there's no motivation for your prospects to join.

If all of you have the exact same pre-packed material. You're not selling it any differently than anybody else…

Why would someone join you? There's no purpose for them to joining you. You're trying to speak to the world by appealing to everybody but you are appealing to nobody.

You're not differentiate yourself by speaking separately to each group of people. You need to get specific and you need to have one message per offer/funnel. Focus on whatever industry you're in otherwise you're talking to literally nobody.

Once you're defining who your target audience is, what beliefs do they have about THEMSELVES regarding your new opportunity… then put on a certain kind of bait to share your irresistible offer—your vehicle for real change.

They've already qualified themselves as somebody who likes multiple streams of income. They are qualifying themselves as somebody who wants more time, freedom and money. They've already joined an opportunity and are more likely to join another one.

They want to take calculated risks and enjoy the challenge. They like to try and get things done. They have expertise and experience in this field. They're your target.

LISTEN ▶️ Your Happy Customers

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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