MLMT 90: Your Best Irresistible Offers

MLM Trigger Episode #90

We talked about how to identify, break, and rebuild false belief patterns to get people to take action they need in order to change and how to tell stories and structure an offer in order to transfer those selling skills to the online environment.

Before we ever start selling anything, we need to create an Irresistible Offer. This is the product you are selling at the end of your presentation. Let’s do something call the “stack slide”. This is where you stack up everything a customer gets when they decide to buy, including all the bonuses. 

To start this process, write down everything you could create for your dream customer to get them their desired result. Start brainstorming everything you can think up.

Every item on the stack slide has to add value to what they are about to buy. The goal is to show that you’re giving 10 times as much value as you’re asking for in price. So if you’re selling a $97 product, you want the stack slide to be at least $997. If you’re selling a product for $997, then the value needs to be at least $9,997. 

Some people get concerned about... 

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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