MLMT 75: What Are The Exact Steps She Took Going From $0 To $30K In 30 Days

MLM Trigger Episode #75

Our story of the week is about Rhonda Swan “What Are The Exact Steps She Took Going From $0 To $30K In 30 Days" What you’re about to hear is how Rhonda who has been working online for 13 years, and quit her “cushy” corporate job to work online because she didn’t want to ever put her child in daycare. 

3 Years after starting her business and quitting her former job, she lost everything she had, in a bad real estate investment. EVERYTHING! She went from making $50K per month to nothing. Lost over HALF A MILLION in cash, three cars and over a $1M home. 

She couldn’t even afford Skype credits! To top it all off, she had a new born baby. 

What are the exact steps she took to go from $0 to $30K in 1 month after losing everything, and becoming UNSTOPPABLE! 

After losing it all, she had to get really clever. She looked around the house for any valuables she didn’t need and sold it... TVs, cell phones, furniture, and jewelry. ANY excess, anything that would throw off her game. She needed to come up with $5,000 for marketing in the next 7 days, so she could have a solid foundation and build a business! 

She wrote down...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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