MLMT 157: Understand The Objectives Of Your Presentation

MLM Trigger Episode #157

We talked about how to increase the value of your irresistible offer … Today let’s talk about SCRIPT that can be used for webinar, sales letters, email sequences and all your marketing online and offline.

This script works successfully for webinars, for video sales letters, tele-seminars, stage presentations, email sequences, and more. It’s the Perfect Presentation Script that can be used in all selling situations online and offline.

LISTEN: ▶️ Understand The Objectives Of Your Presentation

Let’s break down the script process and walk through it step-by-step. Everything will be plugged into specific sections of the script and while it may seem like we’re doing a lot in this script, there is just one goal. Get them to believe in the ONE THING…That’s it. If you ask someone to believe in more than one thing, your sales will suffer.

One of my mentor Jason Fladlien explained: The idea is to have a single point of belief that your message is built around and is emphasized over and over and over again from a variety of different angles.

The Big Domino—THAT is the key thing they need to believe. The whole presentation is created to knock down that one domino, and that’s it. You’re trying to get them to believe in your CORE product, the ONE THING. You want to use the tools to focus on your core product from a variety of different angles.

That is the key to the Perfect Presentation. When you understand this, you’re ready to build out your own presentation.

There are a lot of moving pieces in this script, and every single one of them is there for a specific reason. Make sure you don’t leave anything out anything.

Let’s dive into each individual element but first let’s look at an overview of the whole process. There are four major parts.

Part 1: The Introduction / Building Rapport.

This is where you’ll welcome people to the presentation, build rapport, pique their curiosity, and get them excited. Also, this is where you start actually persuading people. That doesn’t begin at the close, that begins the second you start talking.

Part 2: The One Thing.

During this section, you’ll try to pique their curiosity, you’ll identify the One Thing / your core offer, and tell your first Epiphany Bridge story (your origin story why you started with your MLM venture). Right off the bat, you’re giving people the same epiphany you had when you discovered the new opportunity. This is your first attempt to knock down the Big Domino/the One Thing.

Part 3: Breaking down their belief patterns and Rebuilding their Belief Patterns.

This is the content section of the presentation. You need to identify the false beliefs they have around the following:

-1. The vehicle or new opportunity
-2. Their ability to use the vehicle (internal beliefs)
-3. The #1 thing they believe is keeping them from getting started (external beliefs)

The only thing you have to do is tell your Epiphany Bridge stories that break their false belief systems and rebuild them with the truth.

You are not trying to get people to believe in something NEW. You are simply breaking the false beliefs they already have about your One Thing / your MLM product/opportunity. If you knock down these three beliefs through the content section of the presentation, the Big Domino will fall and they will join your new opportunity/buy your product.

Part 4: Here is where you move from the teaching to the sales portion of the presentation.

We will borrow the formula that all the successful marketers used that will make the transition seamless and natural. You’ll then present your offer in a very precise format which will include all your bonuses that will bring so much value to your core offer.

You’ll weave in— some very specific closes that have been proven to persuade people to take the action they need in order to get results. And yes, you will be using your stack slide during this portion of the presentation.

That is the 30,000 feet view of the Perfect Presentation structure. After you master it, you’ll be able to give a presentation like this on the fly. But it’s important to really understand the objectives for each section.

LISTEN: ▶️ Understand The Objectives Of Your Presentation

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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