MLMT 171: Thought Provoking Questions

MLM Trigger Episode #171

We talked about how to use a duplicable system that make it easier to follow and today let’s talk about how to create a successful webinar by answering to a simple set of questions.

Of course it takes time to create a perfect MLM webinar presentation. To shorten the learning curve, start by asking yourself the following questions you want to cover when you do your live presentation. You want to pull together this concept as your guideline.

Question #1: What’s the new opportunity I’m offering?

Answer: My new opportunity that I offered is —— (name your new opportunity)

This is a new opportunity that most people had never heard of.

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Question #2: What is the one Big Domino for this offer?

Answer: If I can get my prospects to believe that doing —— (name your new opportunity) through this model is the only way they can get to 5 figures in the next 6 months in their MLM business, then they have to buy my offer/opportunity.

So write out a title:

How to Make 5 Figures in your MLM Business Next 6 Month Using THIS Proven Model.

Question #3: What special offer can I create for those who purchase?

Answer: I would give people who purchased —— (name your offer) access to a FREE software that will help them achieve the same results or whatever you can give them that would complement your offer.

Here is an example of what 4 or 5 bonuses looked like: What You’re Gonna Get...

• The perfect guide to create your first MLM funnel $497
• The MLM masterclass training $1,997
• The 3 core MLM funnels $997
• The FREE software and tools to create your funnel...Priceless
Total Value: $$$

Question #4: What is my Epiphany Bridge origin story / what is your story that started you on your journey?

Answer: The story about how you learn to use a your (new offer / opportunity)

Question #5: What are three false beliefs they have about this new opportunity and what Epiphany Bridge stories will I tell to break those false belief patterns?

Answer: What is their #1 false belief about your new opportunity you are putting them into?

What Epiphany Bridge story do you have that got you to believe in your new opportunity?

As you master the Perfect Webinar script and you get better at telling stories and delivering your offer, you can use it to sell almost any product or opportunity.

If you try it and it doesn’t work, it’s probably for one of these reasons:

  1. You picked a bad market and no one wants to hear what you have to say.
  2. You built an improvement offer and no one wants to buy it.
  3. You went into teaching mode and didn’t create an environment for change.

    If you pick a good market, make a new opportunity that is truly irresistible, and then use your presentation to break and rebuild their belief patterns around that new will work.

    Question #1: What’s the new opportunity you are offering?

    Question #2: What is the one Big Domino or the core product for this offer?

    Question #3: What special offer can you create for those who purchase?

    Question #4: What is your Epiphany Bridge origin story that got you started on your journey?

    Question #5: What are the false beliefs they have about the new opportunity/ vehicle.

    -What Epiphany Bridge stories will you tell to break those false belief patterns?
    -What are the false internal beliefs they have about the new opportunity?
    -What Epiphany Bridge stories will you tell to break those false INTERNAL belief patterns?
    -What are the false external beliefs they have about the new opportunity?
    -And what Epiphany Bridge stories will you tell to break those false EXTERNAL belief patterns?

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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