MLMT 27: The Power Of A Rubber Band

MLM Trigger Episode #27

Our story of the week is about Liz Benny “The Power Of A Rubber Band" What you’re about to hear is Liz ironic STORY who literally lost more than seven years of business documents in a freaky Apple encryption situation when she changed her computer password. She tried everything to get the information back.

After a 47-minute conversation with Mr. Apple Support, the following happened: 

“The next step, Elizabeth, is to wipe your hard drive,” he said. “Okay, I’ll just restore it from the backup,” 

Then Mr. Apple Support said something that created an ever-expanding empty pit in her stomach. “No, Elizabeth. The backup didn’t work. It’s encrypted, too. You have lost it all…You have lost it all.”

She mentally scrambled for another solution in her foggy brain. Her mind was blank, and the harder she thought, the foggier things became. She sat there, silently moving her lips, HOPING maybe THAT would be the remedy of her situation. 

She sat there silently with Mr. Apple Support on the other end of the line for 15 minutes… and yet, all she could say in reply was... “I don’t want to have this conversation anymore. Thank you. Goodbye.” 

She was still unsure why she thanked him. Probably because she was in shock. 

It didn’t really matter anymore , she...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

[The latest episode on Apple]