MLMT 14: The ONE Thing We Can't AFFORD To Loose

MLM Trigger Episode #14

Don’t we live in a remarkable time? We have an infinite wealth of information, connections and resources at our fingertips, because of the internet and smartphones.

Today we are going to talk about ONE RECOURSE that CAN NEVER be replenished or gained back… your TIME. But what we don’t have is an abundance of time and attention.

They are both extremely valuable to you and to the marketers out there.

If you ask an entrepreneur what their most precious resource is, they will usually answer... MONEY is the most common, while others will say TIME.

Think about it … once you waste your time with something, you can never get it back again. 

You can always get more money through different avenues, but ONCE your time is gone, it’s gone forever. You can’t buy more or borrow more, so time is a LIMITED resource that EXPIRES each day. 

As an entrepreneur, you have to be very careful and... 

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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