MLMT 163: The Most Valuable Tools For Your Presentation

MLM Trigger Episode #163

Today let’s talk about the transition to your sales pitch and how you can DIFFERENTIATE yourself by offering bonuses when someone purchase your offer.

As you go through the offer with your audience, you’ll explain the first element of your offer, then show it on the stack slide, all by itself. Then reveal the second element/bonus of your offer, and come back to the stack slide that shows the first element along with the second one. You do this for each element in the offer you talk about, then add it to the stack slide. So the audience sees the value adding up.

The LAST thing you show them before you reveal the price is the full stack of bonuses on the slide with the entire offer.

LISTEN: ▶️ The Most Valuable Tools For Your Presentation

When you present this way, the audience associates the price with the FULL OFFER, and not just the last thing you mentioned.

You want to lead in with the transition question. What You’re Going to Get...

Show them a digital image representing the course content and explain that when they invest right away, they will get instant access to your masterclass.

Just give them a quick look at each module. Go through this really quickly. It should only take about 30 seconds. Here’s what we’re going to cover.

Week 1, we’re going to talk about
Week 2, we’ll go over

Week 3, we dive into
Then by Week 4, you’ll be ready for

Week 5 we look at
And finally, in Week 6, we wrap it all up with

Now let me show you some people who’ve had a chance to go through this...

Show 3 Case Studies.You will highlight the success stories from the beta group.

Let me introduce you to... (Tell Case Study #1.)

Then there’s... (Tell Case Study #2.)

And probably my favorite story is... (Tell Case Study #3.)

After you present the case studies, people often think: That’s great, but it won’t work for me. This is where you make a blanket statement about all the different people it works for. So you want to go back and make sure you realize who this is for (Weight loss example) It’s for people who have 100 pounds to lose or those who only have five more to go. It even helps people who don’t need to lose weight, but want to build healthy muscle.

Usually there’s a common reason people don’t get started right away. Address it head on so they don’t keep thinking about it through the rest of your presentation. Destroy your audience’s #1 objection about the training right here. You might be thinking you can’t get started with this because... Here’s why that’s a mistake that will hold you back from success...

Reveal the first stack slide with the six-week masterclass on it. Be sure to include the value of the item on the slide. When you sign up, you’re going to get instant access to the six-week masterclass, a total value of $$$.

It’s time to introduce the tools you created on your stack slide. You tell them that when they invest today, they will also receive this extra bonus. Quickly review the tools they’re going to get.

As part of this package, you’re going to get — this. It’s a tool to help you — do that.

You want them to realize that investing in this thing shouldn’t cost them any money, it should only save them money. So remind them what they are now able to do, but also what they will be able to get rid of.

Hopefully the money they save will be more than what they are actually paying. That way, it’s a truly irresistible offer.

This is where the magic starts happening. Show the stack slide again with the masterclass on top and the tools on the second line. Then update the total value price at the bottom to show what the offer is now worth.

Here you introduce the next component of the offer they’ll receive when they invest. When you invest today, you’re also going to get access to —, which will help you with —.

Discuss any false beliefs they may have about the bonus or their abilities to use it. Then you quickly break and rebuild those belief patterns.

Do you see how this works now? You mention an element, then add it to the stack. Mention another element and add it to the stack. Sometimes you may feel you’re getting repetitive, but that is the key. It helps your audience understand the offer completely.

Last is the Big Stack slide, because it has the entire contents of your offer, including the value of each piece. You also want to total everything up and have the value be 10 times as much as the actual price will be. Now that we’ve given them the big value price with all the bonuses, we need to convince them that this offer is actually worth that much and get them to admit it to themselves.

Before you reveal the actual price, ask them what the end result would be worth to them.

How much would you pay to have that one successful MLM funnel?

Here is the first time you reveal the actual price — a very special offer.

Tell them the real price and give your first call to action (asking them to click on a button). Every slide after this will have a call to action link, so when they are ready, they can sign up.

Then, you tell them that it’s okay if it doesn’t work for them, because they’re covered with our 30-day money-back guarantee. They have nothing to lose if it will not work for them.

Next you show them the Big Stack slide one last time, with everything they’re going to get and the total value. You go through each element line by line one last time to cement the offer in their minds before your final pitch. This is the slide you end your presentation with, and it stays up during the entire question and answer session.

The two most valuable tools in marketing are urgency and scarcity. Here you’re going to add a bonus upgrade that’s only available right then. You want to create urgency and scarcity by offering something special to a certain number of people and for a certain amount of time.

Many successful entrepreneurs used this concept and made more money than before by doing this style of presentation online and offline.

LISTEN: ▶️ The Most Valuable Tools For Your Presentation

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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