MLMT 225: The Hidden Cost of Free Traffic

MLM Trigger Episode #225

In our last episode… We talked about how to entice your prospects. Today we are going to talk about the real cost of free traffic/leads. Lead Generation

In the grand adventure of online marketing, we always hear “how to get FREE traffic” There is a TRADE for free traffic and let’s understand why.

Because while you're not whipping out your credit card, you're paying in other ways.
Like your time, your energy and your sanity.

You're out there hustling, networking, creating great blogs and engaging on social media. All these activities take considerable time and effort. In other words, there's a trade-off. You save money but at the cost of your time.

LISTEN ▶️ The Hidden Cost of Free Traffic

And if there's one thing that entrepreneurs know, it's that time is our most precious resource.

So ask yourself: If you're spending hours on a free traffic strategy that isn't paying dividends, is it truly free?

Let’s talk about time for a moment. It’s the only resource that once spent, you can never get back.

So, when you’re opting for free traffic strategies, remember that the time you invest has a significant cost.

Ask yourself: How many hours do you spend on your free traffic strategies each week?

Could this time be better spent elsewhere?

And most importantly, what's your return on that time investment?

For instance, if you’re spending 12 hours a week managing your social media accounts but only generating a handful of leads, then it’s worth reconsidering this strategy. You might find it more cost-effective to delegate this task or invest in paid traffic methods with a higher return on investment.

The bottom line… Every “free” method has a cost. Your job is to ensure you're getting a solid return on that investment.

So, even if it takes time and you’re still interested in pursuing free traffic methods, then there are ways to do it right. Just be aware that you need to be discipline and organize to keep building your contents on the regular basis. And yes you can get great results when is done correctly.

You have an advantage over paid advertising… which is organic search and people use Google search all the time. Most people search the web to find a solution to a problem or dig up information that will help them get something done. Ads are usually interruptions to those goals.

Let’s take a look at some of the free generating technique:

Blogging - Guess Blogging - News Release Distribution - Video Marketing - Search Engine Optimization - Viral Marketing - Email Marketing - Join Venture Partner - Events & Conferences - Webinars - Podcasting - Online Communities and more…

The key elements to create free traffic are:

• It’s all about focus. Find one traffic channel that works for you and scale it up.

• There’s no need to reinvent the wheel with your contents. Check out posts that already do well and pull out key elements that you think made that post successful. Reinvent it and make it unique to benefit your audience.

• Send out personalize content that deliver great relationships because it will go a lot further than a simple link request.

• Show some examples of your past content that helped you establish credibility.

• Measure your progress and adjust when necessary.

• Don’t overcomplicate things, just keep it simple.

LISTEN ▶️ The Hidden Cost of Free Traffic

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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