MLMT 47: The Go-To Expert Funnel Marketer

MLM Trigger Episode #46

Our story of the week is about David Asarnow “The Go-To Expert Funnel Marketer" What you’re about to hear David said that what you’re about to listen is real. It’s not just some theory on what he might do to make 6 figures in 30 days it’s what he actually did. 

He could not tell you what he would do without trying it out himself. So the steps he is sharing below are the same exact ones he used himself to create an additional multiple six figures in revenue in less than 30 days, while simplifying his business. 

But it all started — From Corporate To Crushed— he is about to tell you something he didn’t really talked about. 10 years ago this WAS HIM. He had lost pretty much everything. His back was against the wall, and he had nothing left but the knowledge inside his head. 

At that point, he had no choice but to start over...and it HAD to work. 

He had built a very successful career in corporate America. But he always had a desire to be self-employed, to be an entrepreneur, so one day, he just resigned. 

He spent the next year and a half...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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