MLMT 195:  The Fundamentals Of Selling Online

MLM Trigger Episode #195

We talked about sales funnel and value ladder. Today let’s talk about the LEAD MAGNET to boost your MLM growth.

When you join a Network Marketing opportunity, you essentially become a sales person. In fact, being a sales person is what allows you to have such a high earning opportunity, but there is a downside… Unfortunately, the overwhelming majority of people have lost their ability to sell effectively, so there can be a bit of a learning curve in order to gain the skill of sales.

To make matters worse, we have been told “Just get this product in front of people, the product will sell itself!” NO, it doesn’t happen like that. Every product needs some level of selling. On top of that most people have never been taught the fundamentals of selling.

LISTEN: ▶️ The Fundamentals Of Selling Online

Sales aren’t about trying to get people to buy something they don’t need. Is the product a good fit for the prospect and how it can benefit them and improve their life?

The average MLMer doesn’t have the support system around them to help them push through the rejection period in order to get enough practice they need to be good at selling. It’s no wonder that so few people who join an MLM end up becoming a top producer!

It’s not about convincing someone to join your downline. You don’t actually want to persuade someone to join your downline. In fact, if you do, the odds are that they aren’t going to be a producer.

If you have to BEG someone to join your downline, you’re going to have to BEG them to do anything. The key is to find people who are ALREADY a good fit for your product or downline. To take this a step further, you can actually attract those people to you.

Think about it like this, if you were looking for someone who liked working out and eat healthy, do you think you have better chance finding that person at a health food store or Mc Donald?

The odds are WAY higher to find someone who works out at a health food store! The same thing goes with your MLM business, but instead of a physical store you can now do it online…

The key to growing your Network Marketing business online is having a way to get the attention of your dream prospects and turning them into leads. Where most people get concerned is that, in most cases, their MLM won’t let them promote their products online. To get around that, instead what you do is promote something that you create, then later, you can tell them about your opportunity.

In the digital marketing world you can use a lead magnet page also know as a squeeze page. This page gives a free ebook or video that provides value in exchange for an email address or a phone number. What’s important about a lead magnet is that it is only attractive to your dream customers

Here’s an example: If you have a lead magnet called “The Secrets To Effectively Relieving Stress In 5 Minutes”. That lead magnet is only going to be attractive to someone who has stress AND is looking to feel better, which is the perfect person to offer your free ebook. You can create a lead magnet to recruit people to your downline or to sell people your MLM products.

Now that you have a lead magnet to attract your dream prospect into your world, you need a way to collect their contact information and get the lead magnet to them. In order to grow your downline, you need a system in place to collect leads and to sell them on either joining your downline or buying your product. That’s where sales funnels come in. This is where we tie everything together.

Now you’re going to build a Landing Page and a Thank You Page. The landing page is where you’re going to send all of your traffic, no matter where it comes from. You can even send people you meet in person to this page to make it easier to get their contact info.

This page is the BIGGEST KEY to being able to get Network Marketing leads online because you aren’t promoting ANYTHING related to your company until after you’ve had some interactions with your leads. In most cases you’re just sending them an email that briefly mentions your product.

Your landing page can be fairly basic, with just a curiosity headline, a picture and a form to enter their contact info by clicking a button… CALL TO ACTION.

After someone submits their info, they automatically get taken to the Thank You page. On this page there’s a few different things you can do. The first option is to say thank you and deliver your freebie. This second option can work really well with just a simple video training that someone can watch on the page. The last option is to thank them for opting in, let them know the freebie will be in their email AND THEN offer them a related product that they can buy right away!

This option can work extremely well if you’re running ads because in many cases you can cover the costs of your ads upfront so you can afford to run more and more ads to grow faster! No matter what option you go with, the most important thing is to make an awesome landing page and start building your emailing list.

LISTEN: ▶️ The Fundamentals Of Selling Online

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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