MLMT 209: Strategies To Improve Your Product Awareness

MLM Trigger Episode #209

Funnels have a psychology behind them and you need to use a different psychological approach for a low-priced, introductory product vs. a high-ticket package.

The basic psychology goes back to the product AWARENESS and how you speak to your prospects depends on where they are on the product awareness phase.

Technology has greatly changed the standard path to purchase over the years. Consumers can become aware of a product from a variety of ways.

When exploring how to create product awareness, the goal is to drive sustained awareness throughout the journey in hopes of delivering the right message, to the right person, at the right time, in the right manner.

LISTEN: ▶️ Strategies To Improve Your Product Awareness

Awareness is the first and most necessary stage of the buyer journey.

Without noticing your brand or product, there is zero chance of a sale. You can’t win the race if you’re not running in the race.

The path-to-purchase is about CONNECTING with consumers on the channels they use through a series of micro-moments. Awareness is not a one-time event, but rather a series of touch-points that keep the flow toward purchase, repeat purchase, and loyalty moving forward.

The 5 stages of customer awareness, as outlined by Eugene Schwartz in his book “Breakthrough Advertising”.

Unaware — Problem Aware — Solution Aware — Product Aware — Most Aware

The “unaware” phase of customer awareness. In this stage, it’s time to educate prospects on the problem they have yet to acknowledge or accept.

Problem aware — Your prospect has woken up to the fact they’ve got a problem. But this is only the beginning of their journey.

Solution aware — The good news is your prospect now knows they have a problem or need, and they’re starting to get answers including what they might need to fix it.

Product aware — Your prospect is now aware of many options and is exploring yours.

Most aware — The prospects know who you are, they know your MLM product is perfect for them, but they need a little push over the fence to pull out their credit card.

After doing the hard work, you want your Most Aware customers to become repeat buyers, raving fans and eventually associates in your network marketing company.

But what does this have to do with content marketing?

It’s connected to the way people make purchase decisions. Beyond simple transactions or impulse buys, consumers don’t typically purchase right away.

More often the customers move naturally through the awareness spectrum. It starts from a point where the customer is not yet even aware that they have a problem or need, to acknowledging their pain point, to their desire for a solution, and getting to know your product or brand.

With this awareness, they can begin the consideration stage by deciding whether or not your MLM product is right for them.
At each stage of that awareness journey, your content’s goal is to help potential customers pass through each stage, from unaware to most aware.

You want to build a relationship with your audience long before they become customers. These potential customers will start to warm up to you after they start going through your communication funnel—building a bond with your Attractive Character.

You want to position yourself as a trustworthy source of assistance and authority.

You want to pre-positioning your product as the logical solution to that person’s problem.

Determine what you need to change or create in order to build your solid foundation. They are the sales mechanisms designed to move a person from being a completely anonymous visitor to becoming a paying customer.

Product awareness can be viewed as BRAND AWARENESS at the product level.

LISTEN: ▶️ Strategies To Improve Your Product Awareness

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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