MLMT 68: Stay In Line With Your Message

MLM Trigger Episode #68

Let’s have a little recap of what we have learned so far… 

First we talked about that It’s important that you understand who you must become and what you must create to start building your mass movement.

You created your Attractive Character, the persona YOU REPRESENT that attracts customers. We talked about how to create a mass movement by asking yourself is “WHO do I want to serve?” Then you differentiate yourself with an exclusive NICHE of True Fans who will purchase anything and everything you produce.

We talked about how you are positioning yourself within your sub-market.

How as a charismatic leader, you paint a picture of the future— for you customers 

We talked about your role as a leader by CREATING THE NEW OPPORTUNITY changing THEIR VEHICLE

And we talked about to make a WHO / WHAT Statement that quickly addresses which submarket YOUR message is for, and WHAT new opportunity they will be switching to.

Then you ASK them what they want and you GIVE it to them… and you understood that you need to give before you can take. Then how to use the survey data of your Ask Campaign page until you have about 100 responses.

Today we are going to talk about how to...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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