MLMT 220: Speed Up The Bonding Process With Your Prospects

MLM Trigger Episode #220

In our last episode… We talked about how to generate hundreds of leads without prospecting. Today let’s talk about one of the most important objective in network marketing RELATIONSHIPS. Lead Generation

As a network marketer, what activities should you focus on so you can be successful and productive in your business?

The answer is BUILDING RELATIONSHIPS which is the most essential part to your traffic strategy. It’s important that you understand your objectives clearly.

And here's why: people buy from people they know, they like and they trust.

In the digital marketing world, you can multiply your business with marketing reps. These can extend your reach and tap into an audience that already trusts them. It’s a quick boost for your MLM business. The key to building these relationships lies in finding a mutual beneficial balance. Remember, a good partnership is a two-way street… both parties should benefit.

LISTEN: ▶️ Speed Up The Bonding Process With Your Prospects

Building relationships with prospects and customers is a little like dating. You want to show your best side, be attentive and show you're interested in them—not just their wallets.

Providing value through your content is your opportunity to charm your audience, make them feel special and start to build trust and rapport.

Simply put, prospecting is the beginning of the process of establishing a relationship by forming and maintaining a mutually beneficial connection where the prospect becomes a customer or associates.

And never let an opportunity to build a relationship with a prospect go to waste.

The last thing you want to learn is that you missed an opportunity because you were more focused on making sales than on building a relationship.

This courtship isn't about the hard sell, it's about proving that what you have to offer is a good fit. Show them you understand their needs, you can meet these needs, and that you're committed to providing value, whether they're ready to buy or not. It's about being consistent, reliable, and attentive. Treat your customers like you are on their side and they'll be more likely to stick around.

Just as with any relationship, those prospects and customers require ongoing care and attention. And just as important as talking is listening. Good relationships take time to build and are easy to break. You need to regularly nurture these relationships and being genuine is crucial. In the digital world authenticity stands out. Don't be afraid to show some personality, be human and most importantly, be honest. When mistakes happen, own up, apologize and make it right. Trust is hard to earn and easy to lose.

Provide value to your prospective customers. You need to be able to demonstrate that you have the answers to their questions and the solution to their problems.

Basically, we get paid to talk to people about our products and business. The more exposures you make, the more money you make. Our job is to connect with someone, pique their interest, share our offer, and then follow up and collect a decision.

This is a business of exposures. If you aren’t talking to new people or generating new leads all the time, your business will stagnate and eventually decline. If no products are purchased or sold, no one makes money in network marketing. And the more exposures you make, the more money you make. Bottom line.

Whether you love or hate marketing, there is one task you must always remember… the fortune is almost always in the follow up. It is rarely the first approach that convinces people to buy your products or become an associate. Instead, it is the result of consistent effort on your part. Without the follow up, most sales would never happen.

Keep reaching back with your prospects through blog posts, social media messages, new product offerings and consistent delivery of email by providing value.

Remember, the value of relationships in business extends beyond immediate monetary returns. Strong relationships can lead to referrals, positive word-of-mouth and ultimately a purchase or associate in your team. So relationships might just be the most valuable ingredient in your marketing strategy.

LISTEN: ▶️ Speed Up The Bonding Process With Your Prospects

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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