MLMT 96: Repetition Is The KEY To Success

MLM Trigger Episode #96

We talked about the BIG PICTURE of the STACK… Today we’re going in detail for each element of the STACK.

Let’s go deeper in each component. So going to start with: *What You’re Gonna Get... You explain that when they invest right away, they will get instant access to your masterclass. Then, you show a digital image representing the course content

Just give them an overlook at each module. Go through this really quickly… about 30 seconds… *Here’s what we’re going to cover.

Week 1, we’re going to talk about : MLM FUNNEL.
Week 2, we’ll go over : this and this
Week 3, we dive into : that.
Then by Week 4, you’ll be ready for : doing this
Week 5 we look at : GETTING TRAFFIC
And finally, in Week 6, we wrap it all up with : Ready to use now.

**Now let me show you some people who’ve had a chance to go through this... Then you Show 3 Case Studies.

Let me introduce you to... (Tell Case Study #1.)

Then there’s... (Tell Case Study #2.)

And probably my favorite story is... (Tell Case Study #3.)

LISTEN: ▶️ Repetition Is The KEY To Success

Next — Who This Works For — Be as inclusive as possible here.

After you present the case studies, people often think: That’s great, but it won’t work for me.

They think: That person is in a different industry or they think their business or personal circumstances are different from the case study details, so it won’t work for them.

**So I want to go back and make sure you realize who this is for… (MLM Weight loss example) It’s for people who have 100 pounds to lose or those who only have five more to go. It even helps people who don’t need to lose weight, but want to build healthy muscle.

The next partYou want to Destroy the #1 Reason People Don’t Get Started

Tell them right away… so they don’t keep thinking about it through the rest of your presentation.
The biggest excuse is that they don’t have a product to sell yet. So tell them they don’t need to have a product. They can use affiliate products.

Destroy your audience’s #1 objection about the training right here.

**You might be thinking you can’t get started with this because... you don’t have —FUB— a funnel or don’t know how to —FUB—create a funnel. Here’s why that’s a mistake that will hold you back from success... you tell them that they can clone a proven MLM funnel

Introduce Stack Slide #1 Reveal the six-week masterclass on it. Be sure to include the value of the item on the slide. When you sign up, you’re going to get instant access to the six-week masterclass, a total value of —FUB— $$$

Introduce The Tools Element:

You tell them that when they invest today, they will also receive the tools. Quickly review the tools they’re going to get. Don’t go too deep or you’ll overwhelm people.
As part of this package, you’re going to get—FUB— It’s a tool to help you —FUB—

NEXT: When you have this tool, you’ll be able to_FUB_ you’ll be able to get rid of_FUB_

You want them to realize that investing in this thing shouldn’t cost them any money, it should only save them money. So remind them what they are now able to do —FUB—, but also what they will be able to get rid of —FUB—. Hopefully the money they save will be more than what they are actually paying. That way, it’s a truly an irresistible offer.

**When I was first figuring out how to use a _funnel_, I ran into a big roadblock. I didn’t know how to _FUB_. So I had to create this tool to solve the problem for myself.

Way back then, I had to spend months and $$$ to figure out an efficient way to handle this problem. But I don’t want YOU TO have to reinvent the wheel. I’ve already got a proven— MLM Funnel… and I’m just going to give it to you with this package. Sound good?

When you use this tool, not only do you save the time and money that I spent to develop it, but you’ll be doing it right the first time. There’s no trial and error period.

*on Stack Slide #2— This is where the magic starts happening. Show the stack slide again with the masterclass on top and the tools on the second line. Then update the total value price at the bottom to show what the offer is now worth.

Here you introduce the next component of the offer they’ll receive when they invest. It’s the tangible by-product related to Secret #1 the VEHICLE

When you invest today, you’re also going to get access to __FUB_ which will help you with __.

Whatever the pain and cost was to you doesn’t matter, because the bonus is going to make it easier and faster for them to get results.

This bonus is going to make it faster and easier for you to _____.

How? Because it __FUB__.

As we’ve done in other sections, here you discuss any false beliefs they may have about the bonus or their abilities to use it. Then quickly break and rebuild those belief patterns.

Do you see how this works now?

You mention an element, then add it to the stack. Mention another element and add it to the stack. Sometimes you may feel you’re getting repetitive, but that is the key. It helps your audience understand the offer completely. This is the KEY to success when selling to the masses.

Repeat the steps for all others tangibles by-products. Show the pain and costs you had to go through to create it, then show the ease and speed of use this will create for them. Break any false beliefs, then stack again. After you’ve done that for all tangibles, you have your full stack slide.

*Stack Slide #5 — The Big Stack slide because it has the entire contents of your offer, including the value of each piece.

LISTEN: ▶️ Repetition Is The KEY To Success

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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