MLMT 218: Proven Strategies To Recruit Successfully

MLM Trigger Episode #218

We talked about retention issue and turning it to your advantage and today let see how the evolution of MLM marketing can change your business. Lead Generation

How much income can you make in Network Marketing?

Well there is no income cap in network marketing, so you can earn as much as you want or as little as you want.

You can make $20K to 50k+ a year within a few short years. It all depends on how you build your organization.

You need thousands of people ordering product each month to receive those kind of checks. And the good thing is that you don’t have to recruit all these people yourself. You train people to model your system to recruit their own people. Yes the problem will always be… How to find them?

LISTEN: ▶️ Proven Strategies To Recruit Successfully

Network marketing leaders understand they must never stop recruiting. Even though MLM company doesn’t pay you to recruit people. They pay you to produce volume sales and teach others to do the same. What TOP EARNER realized is that they need to grow a big organization IN DEPTH… and those associates in depth need to produce volume and teach the same to their leaders.

So if you want to grow a serious MLM business without bugging friends or family, you will need to generate a lot of LEADS via social media or paid advertising.

I remember one very important day listening to one of the top leaders speak at a convention meeting event. Like all great leaders, he knew how to tell stories and have everyone in the room listening not wanting to miss one word that left his mouth. And like others, I was envious and wanted to learn all he had to teach.

He spoke of his origin story how he started out in network marketing in the 90s in a small village in Europe before the internet existed. And how he became successful.

My first impression was “wow, if he could build a successful business without the use of the internet back then, I surely have an advantage.” But I quickly learned through the few first years in the company that there were not many people including myself making his kind of money.

No matter what your product or service you are in, the overall goal of every network marketing industry remains the same, you need massive amounts of leads to be successful. And the question keep coming up…

Why is network marketing training today still the same as it was in the ‘90s?

Most leaders in network marketing used the same strategies that are OUTDATED today and we see that people find us annoying and reject us.

So why MLM companies still are teaching it to us?

They don’t what to reinvent the wheel.

We are not reinventing the wheel, we are just updating it by using more digital variations of methods that have already worked and will continue to work for years and years to come.

These methods taught by the giants in the network marketing world like Dan Kennedy or Robert Kiyosaki and many more.

Today we don’t have to ask our family members and spam people that are not interested in our product/services.

One of my mentor is the top earner in his network marketing company and very few people even know he is involved in MLM!

How did he do it? He used a thing called a MLM sales funnel.

Meaning a marketing funnel is what takes a potential customer through the whole journey… from discovering your MLM business, all the way to purchasing your products on a regular basis or joining your opportunity. The goal is to create a highly automated system that is measurable at any point in the customer journey.

So instead people will click on your landing page and watch your sales video and if they are interested, they will click a link leading to your companies sign up page.

It is more simple than it sounds. You don’t need to be a professional coder or internet nerd to use a landing page. And it doesn’t matter which MLM you are in it works for any market in network marketing.

So that’s how network marketing is evolving today, more and more companies are going digital now a days. It’s time to automate your business and get HIGH QUALIFIED prospects with and entrepreneur mindset.

Hundreds of prospects will go through your sales funnel, yet only a fraction of them qualify to be leaders. Also the majority will become customers and it’s great because it will cover you overhead expenses.

Many top Network Marketers have a massive online presence.

As the saying goes… “If you want something, find someone who has what you want, do what they do and you’ll get what they got”

LISTEN: ▶️ Proven Strategies To Recruit Successfully

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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