MLMT 79: Penniless To Top Affiliate Marketer

MLM Trigger Episode #79

Our story of the week is about Spencer Mecham “Penniless To Top Affiliate Marketer" What you’re about to hear about Spencer who started all over again using Affiliate Marketing as his main business... similar to Multi Level Marketing / MLM.

He struggled with distraction, so he eliminated Netflix , all social media Apps on his phone… and created a brand-new email address to avoid the dozens of distracting emails he was getting every day. 

He was in this particular scenario: Penniless and needed to find a way to obtain an initial budget for ads… He applied for credit cards, business loan and asked his relatives for small loans. Anything to get the necessary cash to start his business

He mapped out a 30-day blueprint and created a systems to generate some passive income through automation.

He researched his...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

[The latest episode on Apple]