MLMT 31: It's Not The Product, It's The Process

MLM Trigger Episode #31

Our story of the week is about Alison Prince “It's Not The Product, It's The Process" What you’re about to hear is how Alison starting a new e-commerce business from scratch and creating a movement by teaching her 10 and 13 year old daughters how to sell products online.

Selling products online is an easy way to build trust with people quickly. It’s something tangible that they can touch and feel and incorporate it into their lives. 

But the best thing about selling products online is that choosing them doesn’t need to be complicated. Kind of like… If Chia Pets have grown an empire on clay and seed, that’s proof enough that it’s not the product, it’s the process

To launch her profitable e-commerce site.

First she needed to find the right parties - Find products for the parties - Throw her own parties. She will start searching for trending products in other words, what’s selling online. If she sells what people are buying, it will make this game a lot easier. 

Here is the real issue was facing… when starting an online business selling products: 

You need traffic. If no one comes, no one buys.

Here’s the reality… “parties” are happening online every single day. What she did was…

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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