MLMT 216: Influencing People Without Being Manipulative

MLM Trigger Episode #216

We talked about how to automate some of your MLM business without taking away the human touch. Today we want to decode the art to sell without selling. Lead Generation

So— You don’t like selling? Many network marketers don’t, but your success depends on it. Here’s how you can get the sale WITHOUT actually selling.

But, in order for your business to be successful, you do have to sell your product or service. And the most effective method of sales isn’t the in-your-face hard sell.

Let’s say it’s the first time I met you and we struck up a conversation. Then, all I did was talk about myself and what I wanted you to do for me. Would you continue to talk to me? I think that the answer would be NO.

LISTEN: ▶️ Influencing People Without Being Manipulative

The same applies to marketing your MLM business—it can’t be a ONE WAY STREET. Think about ways that your prospects can benefit from your interaction. Then they’ll be more likely to pay attention, engage with you, and YES ultimately buy your product or service.

You want to give your audience a reason to like you.

In any form of marketing, you rarely want to talk about yourself, but if you talk about things your audience cares about. You can educate them about the topics you are an expert in and let them share their thoughts. They will be much more willing to listen to you when you do talk about yourself.

Remember, you are an EXPERT in whatever you do and your audience knows that.

This gives you the opportunity to demonstrate your expertise and build relationships with your MLM prospects.

For example, if your MLM products help to lose weight, offer a daily tip about how to lose couple pounds a week by eliminating wheat from their diet.

This can be any tip about a certain subject. Make a video tutorial about how to do a certain thing. When you show off your expertise, your prospects will appreciate you for educating them about the things they’re interested in.

It’s NO surprise, people love to talk about themselves. Tap into that urge and ask them questions related to your brand. The best thing about doing this is that you’re not only increasing engagement but you’re learning who your audience is, what they’re interested in and what they’re looking to learn from you.

Now comes the part where you get to promote your business—yes, you can still do that, of course! The key is to stick to the 80/20 rule for your content. By building relationships with your prospects and ensuring 80% of your content is for THEM, you can then throw in 20% about yourself without the fear of scaring them away.

Since you’ve engaged your customers with the valuable information they’re looking for, allowed them to talk about themselves, and entertained them, they’ll be willing to listen to your offers without feeling like they’re just another person you’re selling to. You are not a salesperson anymore to their eyes. That’s perfect because people don’t want to be sold to.

There are numerous ways to spin your content so you are selling them without making them feel like you’re selling them. This is the key way to build engagement and relationships. Being able to get people to change their minds is a valuable skill.

We all need to genuinely influence people sometimes but not manipulate them.

Influence without manipulation isn’t a pitch—it’s a process.

—Understand the decision cycle: People move through six predictable stages whenever they make a change.

—Establish trust: If people don’t trust you, they won’t allow you to influence them. A simple way to establish trust is to talk less and listen more.

—Create urgency: Influence requires urgency. So ask probing questions that help people to consider the issue, contemplate the what-ifs, and comprehend the consequences. Your goal is to guide people to see the potential impact of indecision.

—Gain commitment: Ask the most important question never asked: “Are you committed to making a change?”

—Initiate change: You only have one chance to make a first impression and it boils down to about 45 seconds.

—Overcome objections: It’s human nature for people to resist change. People are more likely to change their minds if they have at least one objection. You must clarify, clarify, clarify. Only then can you get to the bottom of someone’s concerns and distinguish between real objections and procrastination.

Now you understand that real selling isn’t about selling. It’s about knowing your prospects, building trust, solving their problems and giving them the solutions.

LISTEN: ▶️ Influencing People Without Being Manipulative

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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