MLMT 72:  If My Product is So Great How Come I Can’t Sell It?

MLM Trigger Episode #72

We talked about that when people have absolute belief in what you are telling them, you can positively influence them and you want persuade people to believe in what you are doing, by mastering the art of storytelling. 

In order to achieve that you need to create the emotion that cause action. If you want people to adopt a new concept and want to get them to buy, you have to lead them to the answer, but you can’t GIVE it to them. They have to come up with the idea themselves. You plant the idea in their minds with a story, and if THEY come up with the answer, they will have sold themselves. The buying decision becomes theirs, not yours. When that happens, you don’t have to sell them anything. 

We call this the Epiphany Bridge. It’s simply a story that takes people through the emotional experience that got YOU excited about at the first place. 

There’s a reason you got excited about your new opportunity, right? 

Something happened to you at some point in your life.

You had an amazing... 

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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