MLMT 118: How Your Traffic Tie Together

MLM Trigger Episode #118

Today we are going to talk about the three types of traffic: Traffic you control — Traffic you don’t control — Traffic you OWN.

Once you understand how each type of traffic works and how they tie together, you will have the ability to direct the right traffic to the right offers, and convert the highest number possible into buyers and repeat clients. Your one and ONLY goal is to OWN all the traffic you can. That is how you grow your list and increase your sales.

Traffic you own is the BEST kind of traffic. It’s your email list or your followers, readers, customers, etc. This is the best traffic because is the one you “own” and you can send out an email, post a message to your followers, or make a blog post.

You don’t have to buy it from Google or Facebook. This is your own distribution channel and you can send out messages anytime you want, with no marketing costs. You can sell things to these people over and over again, and all of that money comes back as pure profit.

LISTEN ▶️ How Your Traffic Tie Together

The best advice that every entrepreneurs say: “you have to build a list.” Ingrained that principle into your mind, and focus to build your own list. The most amazing thing is that as you start to grow your list, so your income grow as well.

If you are able to get about two hundred people to join your list, you will make about two hundred dollars/month. When you increase your list to 1000 people, your average income is about $1,000. When you increase your list to 10,000 people, your average income is about $10,000. And those numbers have stayed pretty consistent for many entrepreneurs.

Yes, you average about $1 per month for each name on your email list. In some of the markets, the profit is actually a lot higher than that. But as a rule of thumb, you should expect to see similar results.Once you understand that metric, suddenly list building becomes a much higher priority!

That’s why it’s so important to convert the other two types of traffic (both traffic you control and traffic you don’t control) into subscribers and buyers (traffic that you own) as quickly as possible. The bigger your list is, the more money you make.

The next type of traffic is traffic you control. You control traffic when you have the ability to tell it where to go. For example, if you purchase an ad on Google, you don’t own that traffic (Google does), but you can control it by buying an ad and then sending those who click on that ad anywhere you want.

Any kind of paid traffic is traffic you control, including the following:

Email ads, solo ads, banners, links, Pay-per-click ads, Facebook, Google, Yahoo, etc.) Affiliates and joint ventures

Now, you want to focus on traffic that you can control, but the big problem is that every time you want more of it, you have to spend more money. So your goal is always to send any traffic that you are going to purchase over to a type of website we call a Squeeze Page which have one goal, and no distractions.

There is only one thing for the visitor to do on this page. This squeeze page is a very simple page with ONE goal: to convert traffic that you control into traffic that you own.

You send all of your paid traffic to a squeeze page, and when the visitors get there, they only have ONE option: give me an email address or leave. Now a certain percentage of people will leave, but the great thing is that some of those people will give you a personal email address. After that, the traffic you control becomes traffic that you own, and you can start sending the new potential buyer through your email Sequences.

This last type of traffic is the one you don’t have any control over where it came from or where it goes. For example, if someone mentions you on Facebook, their followers may search your name in Google, and they may land on some random page in your blog. You didn’t have control over any part of that sequence of events.

There are lots of types of traffic that you don’t control, including: All Social media like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Search traffic, Guest blog traffic, YouTube and more.

Just like traffic that you control, the ONLY goal with traffic that you don’t control is also to turn it into traffic that you own. To do this, you try to push all traffic that you don’t control back to your blog or a squeeze page. When people go there, the only real thing they can do is give you their email addresses.

After they do that, they become traffic that you own, and you can put them into your communication funnels. You turn your blog posts into modified squeeze pages to convert as much traffic as possible into traffic you own.

LISTEN ▶️ How Your Traffic Tie Together

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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