MLMT 239:  How To Win Back Your Customers

MLM Trigger Episode #239

We talked about the value of leveraging an email list. And today lets see how to re-engage with your customers and prospects.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Win Back Your Customers

No matter how hard you try, your email list will always, always and always encounter two things... People who unsubscribe and people who stop opening your emails.

How to create a re-engagement email?

Your emails should make sure to contain a few essential elements:

1- Email design mobile-friendly, aims to provide a positive user experience while

increasing conversions and making optimization a necessary part of the design.

2- Always add an easy and clear call-to-action (CTA) with a button, so customers know what to do after reading. Use incentives to convince users to go back and purchase.

3- Offering discounts. Everyone likes freebies and tangible incentive perks like free shipping can help you re-activate readers and re-engage subscribers. Also convince shoppers to return and finish their purchases.

4- Option to unsubscribe. If a contact doesn’t want to receive emails from you, they should have the option to opt out of your email list easily. You can add an unsubscribe option to the bottom of all your emails in the footer.

So what your email campaign sequence could be made up to re-engage with your audience.

Let’s say your contact has been inactive for 12 months… this segments them to your “Inactive Subscribers” and triggers the following sequence:

Email 1: “We Miss You!” + Here’s a discount. This starts the conversation.

Wait 3 days.

Email 2: Benefits + Social proof. Your MLM product has a lot of value, so talk about it. Is your product help support worthy causes? Talk about it here. Do you do something unique that no one else does? Talk about it. Try including some testimonies of people experiencing great results.

Wait 5 days.

Email 3: Second discount offer/ discount reminder. People get sidetracked, so remind them about that discount one more time. Try using product recommendations here.

Wait 5 days.

Email 4: Goodbye for now. If nothing gets them engaging with your content, then this email is where you tell them you’ll be removing them from the list unless they click the CTA to stay on.

Here are some HEADLINES examples of re-engagement emails:

1- Call out they've "been gone" awhile
2- Give them a discount
3- Use “We Miss You” email subject lines
4- Nail down the real reason behind their interest
5- Add-in a bit of humor
6- Keep it really simple, super simple
7- Give them a reason to come check you out again
8- Product recommendation
9- Use special occasions or holidays
10- Thank them for their loyalty
11- Choose the type of contact that the customer wishes to receive
12- Show everything that an inactive subscriber might have missed

Every marketing strategy should have a plan in place for retention and reactivation. You should customize the emails to your brand’s needs. And adding a

re-engagement email sequence is one essential part of the puzzle that can help you grab the sales you could have missed otherwise.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Win Back Your Customers

Next: Identify your key audience pain points

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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