MLMT 194:  How To Use Funnels In Network Marketing

MLM Trigger Episode #194

We talked about sales funnel and value ladder. Today let’s answer this question about "How to use funnels for your network marketing business".

Are you using a Network Marketing Funnel in your business to automate your sales and recruiting efforts? Let’s just face it, if you don’t have systems and a funnel in place, you are going to exhaust yourself. As the digital marketing space continues to grow, more and more network marketers are starting to wonder if they can use sales funnels to grow their MLM business.

So, how do you use a sales funnel to get your network marketing to work? There's a lot of different ways to answer this question and for some reason people think that their MLM business is different.

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It works for any business I doesn't matter what business you're in because we all have the same goal— TO GET LEADS.

The diversity of network marketing is like you're competing with a lot of people because you're selling the exact same product like a thousand other distributors.

So the first step is how do you create an offer because if you’re competing with ten thousand or a hundred thousand plus other distributors you need to create an offer that is unique. That way you can differentiate yourself from your competitors.

The best way to be different from others is by creating an offer that actually sell your product better than anybody else’s. Some network marketers come up with ideas around the problems people encounter when they purchase the products and this can make an excellent offer.

Well, you can tell them that if they join your team, you are going to give them THIS… but you’re also going to give them THIS thing and we give you THIS as well. You have created a package with THIS special offer just for people who signed up with you.

By doing that you push them over the edge since there's a lot of people who are on the fence they're not going to sign up with anybody but you because you made a better offer.

There's a lot of network marketing companies who aren't going to allow you to sell online so you will have to go through the back door. Remember that the network marketing company owns all these people that you sign up witch is the most valuable asset any business can have. And if for any reason the company closed doors or the company get your account terminated… you will loose the people informations that you've got into the business.

To avoid that, all you have to do is to create a very simple landing page to collect people’s information before you send them to the company website to sign up as a distributor.

The big thing about network marketing than is different, there’s two target markets— the first target market is the person who actually wants to consume the product and then there's the business opportunity seekers. It means that you will have to build two different landing pages and different funnels for each one.

When the prospect opt-in the landing page, they're joining your email list and give you their email address. Now you can build a list of people who are your target audience. You can communicate with them by telling them stories to build relationship.

It's awesome because it works for people who bought the products and you can talk about the products, show them videos or drive people into your funnel and show them the business opportunity with a special offer by joining your company.

The key to your business in case you are actually wondering is… to set up a funnel in order to build relationship with the list as they come through the funnel structure. When you have built a relationship with all these people coming through the funnel, you tell them they should buy THIS thing.

You actually looking for that extra seekers because now there is relationships and by telling stories you are positioning yourself in the right way so that when you make them a special offer they go crazy and they give you money.

Basically you create two simple funnels to build both lists based on people who potentially going to buy the product and people interested in the business opportunity. You're speaking to these two different lists differently but you're making them pretty much the same offer in the backend.

No matter what list you talk to, the most important thing is that your landing page offer a set of images and links over to other products, in your MLM funnel. You can add links over to some of your products so the people who are ready to buy, can buy right away!

With digital marketing, you have a whole new way to find and recruit prospects for network marketing. There are millions of people in the world and a percentage of them are looking for what you have to offer. Let them find you by getting your MLM sales funnel in front of them.

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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