MLMT 18: How To Pivot Your Business And Upgrade Your Game

MLM Trigger Episode #18

When you are strolling down the entrepreneur path you will experience many obstacles, which will stop you from progressing and moving forward… if you don’t address them.  

I’m sure you have felt like this at some point in your business. All I can say is just get used to it. It comes as a package deal in this business as you move forward into your journey.

Why Tens of Thousands of Network Marketers just like you, are currently abandoning their DEAD-END old fashion methods of recruiting people?

I started experiencing some pretty major obstacles after the first 18 months into my MLM. I began to run out of people… I am someone who never liked home meetings and hotel meetings. I was always trying to figure out… the next way to get someone on the phone or how to meet the next person.

The game changer for me was…

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

[The latest episode on Apple]