MLMT 237:  How To Increase The Subscriber Loyalty

MLM Trigger Episode #237

We talked about the different strategies to attract your audience and share your offer. And today how to get traffic by earning it.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Increase The Subscriber Loyalty

Basically, there are 4 main components to growing a strong email list:

-Treat your content like an email capture form (traffic)

-Include a Call-To Action (targeting)

-Give something valuable for FREE (conversion)

-Having a solid plan to keep them happy and coming back for more (follow up).

Email list building is the act of getting users to subscribe to your email list. It means that you grow your list gradually and organically by adding subscribers from your landing pages, blogs and other subscription. There are many benefits in building your email list.

It is a list of people who’ve signed up willingly to receive your e-communication to send them. A loyal base of readers and customers goes a long way in building your brand. Investing in building your email list and continuing to nurture those who have subscribed is essential. Give them the information they’re looking for, as well as information they didn’t think they need.

But creating daily or weekly consistent email is not an easy task. You need to know your audience and understand what they are looking for. Only then can you provide them with info they are looking for. Without proper understanding of your audience’s persona, every email you send will look like spam in their inbox. A great way of starting this process is by sending a welcome email to your subscribers, right after they have shared their email address with you.

In this welcome email, you may mention how grateful you are that they have taken out time from their busy days and chose to subscribe to your email list rather than picking someone else.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Increase The Subscriber Loyalty

In this welcome email, you may mention how grateful you are that they have taken out time from their busy days and chose to subscribe to your email list rather than picking someone else.

One of the red flag that many people are doing is sending template emails and these messages don’t get a response. Write each person a personal message or don’t send anything at all. Another red flag is that many people start telling their story on the very first email. There will be a day and time that your subscribers will care about your story, but it’s not with the first message.

Here are some tips to consider:

-Always address your subscriber by their first name
-Keep is short
-Remember one size fits all emails don’t work
-Check on the stats to see if your emails are opened and read

Make sure that you have a CTA on every blogs and landing page. If you don’t promote your products or services, chances are people won’t sign up to it. Create a Call-To- Action statements that urge the reader to sign up for in-depth information, or whatever else you plan to send them. It’s far more engaging to click on “Give me that freebie” than “Click here” or “Submit”.

Make sure that you allow subscribers to opt-in and opt-out. There’s nothing more annoying that receiving tons of emails that they don’t remember signing up for.

Catch them when they are leaving your site by using the power of an exist pop up. These are triggered to appear as soon as visitors prepare to leave the webpage as a final attempt at converting visitors into customers. Meaning the digital version of someone stopping you as you move away. It says “Hey before you go, why not take a peek at this?”.

Email list building continues to be the top strategy for marketers. By building an email list, you’re building a repertoire of loyal subscribers, customers and associates that lend credibility to you as a leader. Therefore, keep growing a targeted list of subscribers who will be happy to interact with your emails and click through to buy what you’re selling.

So traffic is the key to building a solid foundation for your business, Given the chance to have your own list not only your MLM company that own your list. It is always best to have traffic that you own by capturing the emails of your subscribers with a capture page.

Next: Understanding the value of your list

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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