MLMT 117: How To Grab Your Potential Customer Attention

MLM Trigger Episode #117

Today we are going to talk about WHERE do you find the people to put into your sales funnel by asking the second question to help your find your audience.


Remember your target market is made up of real people, so you need to look at their real behavior.
• Where do they hang out online?
• Where do they spend their time?
• What email newsletters might they subscribe to?
• What blogs do they read?
• What Facebook groups are they a part of?
• What keywords are they searching for on Google?
• What books are they buying on Amazon?

[Click the link here to help you define your Dream Customer]

Answering these questions can take some time and research, but it’s worth taking as much time as you need to develop a CLEAR PICTURE of where your ideal customers are directing their attention.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Grab Your Potential Customer Attention

Finding traffic on the Internet really is as easy as answering these questions. Marketers try to make it complicated with all of the technology that helps direct the traffic to certain web pages. But it’s your knowledge of the people in your market that makes the technology useful.

I like to think of the Internet as a huge mountain, and your ideal customer—your traffic—is silver inside that mountain. Your job as a marketer is to find the silver and mine it out. When you start mining, you’re just digging around, poking and prodding, trying to find where the silver is. You know there’s silver in that mountain somewhere, but you’re not sure where. So you’re looking around, trying this area and that area, and all of a sudden, you might dig up a few nuggets. Typically, silver clumps together in a vein running through the mountain (like a gathering).

So when you find a little bit of silver, you can dig deeper and find more. You’ll soon see that the vein runs deep into the mountain. If you keep following that vein, you can mine out all the silver. It’s worth taking the time to do a thorough job in the poking and prodding stage. Because if you can find exactly where your target market is hanging out, then pulling out the silver is simply a matter of putting a relevant message in front of them and directing them to your offer

Do some digging—all the while asking the crucial questions:

-Who is my target market?

-Where are these people gathering?

You search for a little while, and you might find an email newsletter they subscribe to. That’s a vein of silver. You’re going to tap into that. You might buy ads in that newsletter and try to entice all those people back to your website. You might find a Facebook group they like.

As an entrepreneur, it’s your job to go out there and find these gatherings. There are people you can hire to help, and there are systems you can set up to tap into, but first you have to get into the mindset of the target market and figure out where they gather. Then you’re ready for the third question.


If your target customer in the middle of his/her favorite online activity, it’s going to take something special to get them to leave that site and go look at something else. At this point, you have to figure out what offering is special enough to entice a fan away from their favorite site.

How can you interrupt their attention away from what your prospect is currently doing?

Your ads must be able to grab people’s attention if you want them to click over to your site.

Did you know that The National Enquirer is one of the most read newspapers in the world?

They place their publication in one of the busiest checkout stand. People only have a split second to make a buying decision, so the publication offers short two-to three-word headlines that will stop almost anyone in their tracks. The magazine is a master at interrupting your brain patterns and making you notice.

If you look closely, you’ll notice the magazine always uses a strange or unusual picture to grab the eye. Then it uses short, punchy headlines (usually describing something weird, unusual, or shocking) to make you curious enough to buy a copy. The images and headlines interrupt whatever you were thinking about to make you pay attention to the magazine.

Your job online is almost the same. You are trying to engage someone who is already checking email, Facebook, and their cell phone at the exact same time. You have to interrupt your potential customers long enough for them to click on your ad and visit your website and send them to your bait.

Remember that just because you’ve identified who your dream prospects are and where they are, your job isn’t done. You still need to grab their attention and get them to click over to your website.

As an entrepreneur your primary role is to identify where the veins of silver are located. Your job as the entrepreneur is to understand the strategy and then set up a system by hiring people who are great at these tactics.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Grab Your Potential Customer Attention

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a Sales Funnel.

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