MLMT 137: How To Cover Your Product's Expenses

MLM Trigger Episode #137

Today let’s go deeper into FUNNEL #2: SELF-LIQUIDATING OFFER of the FRONTEND FUNNEL.

Typically, you use the Self-Liquidating Offer Funnel when you are trying to sell a product that’s priced anywhere from $27 to $97. First, you’re going to attract people with a FREE video, report, ebook, or other lead magnet. You want to “bribe” them to give you their email address. Once the visitors subscribe to your list, they land on your Self-Liquidating Offer page, which sells your core offer.

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This is generally a video or a long-form-text sales letter, presenting your Self-Liquidating Offer using the Star, Story, Solution script to help introduce your new visitors to your Attractive Character while you are selling them your product.

The concept of the Star, Story, Solution script came from an entrepreneur who had made one million dollars in twenty-three months selling supplements. He said there was a script he used to sell all of his products.

The script formula is so simple:

First, you need a star ( Attractive Character), then you need a story that agitates a problem, and finally you need to provide a solution (your product).

Use these components for the opening conversation to the sale.

Pattern Interrupt: This is usually the first thing the prospects see. It’s important to grab their attention, get them out of their current environment and suck them into your sales copy.

Core-Desire Questions: Through a series of questions, you get the prospects thinking about the things they desire most. These questions move the brain to the topic you want to discuss, which is the outcome or results they wish they could achieve.

Agitate Past Failures: If the prospects are taking the time to read your sales letter, chances are pretty good that this isn’t the first time they’ve thought about solving this problem. This part of the sales letter agitates that failure in their brains.

Big Promise/The One Thing: Here’s where you introduce your big promise, the One Thing you’re going to focus on for the rest of the sales letter.

Introduce the Star: Right after you introduce your big promise, you want to introduce the star of the story. The star is the Attractive Character.

High Drama: Whenever you’re telling a story, you want to start at the point of high drama. A good movie, like a good story, starts at the point of high drama. The same works for your sales letters.

Backstory WALL: Next you want to fill in the backstory that led up to the point of high drama. How did you, or your Attractive Character, get there.

Identify the Problem: Now reveal the problem. Let them know why your Attractive Character was stuck (which is also probably the reason they are currently stuck). In fact, the more closely you can relate your Attractive Character’s problem to the readers’ problems, the better.

Epiphany OR Declaration of Independence: Once the Attractive Character pinpoints the problem, it’s usually not long before they have an epiphany or decide to make a major change in their behavior or mindset.

Your Path to Finding the Ultimate Solution: Take the reader along your journey. Describe some of the different things you, or your Attractive Character, tried before you found success.

First Sign of Success: Let the reader see you start to succeed. Some of your prospects might be experiencing this feeling at the moment. You want them to see that you went through the same steps also… and they can, too.

Conspiracy: Show them how you finally realized that the cards were stacked against you from the start. Your prospects are probably convinced that the cards are currently stacked against them. Because they believe it, you need to address this fear through the Attractive Character’s story.

The Big Lie: Explain why it’s not their fault that they haven’t succeeded before now.

Common Enemy: This is who to blame for the big lie that was holding the Attractive Character back and blocking his/her success.

Rapid Growth: Now show them how fast the Attractive Character progressed once he/she realized the truth.

Case Studies: Highlight the stories of others who’ve had success similar to yours or the Attractive Character’s story.

Hidden Benefits: Explain the benefits you didn’t expect that have resulted from the product/discovery you are describing to the reader.

Formal Introduction: Introduce the product. And why you created it.

Pain and Cost: Tell them what you had to go through to create the product.

Ease: Tell them how much effort does the product save you.

Speed: Tell them how much time does the product save you.

“So” Benefits: Explain why they need this, by writing out three or four benefits followed by the words “so.”

Social Proof: The testimonials. Let the prospects read what others say about the product.

Make the Offer: Explain what the buyers will get.

Build Value: Add bonuses and additional features, but be sure they support the “One Thing,” the focus of your entire sales letter.

Float a Fake Price: Tell the readers how much the product “should” be worth if they had to pay for each item separately. It should be a number much higher than the actual price, but you must also make sure the product really is worth the price you name.

Emotional Close (If/All): Use the words “If / all ...” to help anchor the offer and help the buyers justify the fake price you named earlier. Use both “toward pleasure” and “away from pain” statements.

Reveal the Real Price: Now tell the readers how much they are actually going to pay.

Guarantee: Reverse any risk the potential buyers may be feeling. Give them guarantee.

Inject Scarcity: Give the buyers a legitimate reason to buy NOW.

Future Pacing: Help them see how great their lives are about to become— after they buy your product.

Call to Action: Tell them what to do to make a purchase. Also, tell the prospects what’s going to happen next.

Post Selling: Make the readers feel like they might be left behind if they don’t hurry.

Take Away Selling: Explain that they need to make a decision, and it doesn’t matter to you whether they order or not.

Close with Reminder: This is a summary of what you will be getting.

That’s it. The entire script for a long-form Star, Story, Solution sales letter.
It works great for both text and video sales letters. Don’t forget, you need to add each of the steps with the personality of the Attractive Character.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Cover Your Product's Expenses

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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