MLMT 139: How To Communicate To Your Audience

MLM Trigger Episode #139

Today we are going to go over the Middle Funnel #4 The Perfect Webinar. We’re going to cover the sales funnels for both a one-time webinar and also for automated (or evergreen) webinar.

Webinars have become extremely popular over the past few years, mainly because they work so well. They take the old tele-seminar/speaking model to a whole new level.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Communicate To Your Audience

Webinars change the dynamic completely on how we communicate with our customers. You can deliver your presentation online and people don’t have to travel anywhere to watch you speak.

A webinar is nothing more than a PowerPoint presentation that you broadcast live (or record) over the Internet. The best part is you can record the webinar once and then broadcast it over and over again. It’s called an “automated webinar,”

There are two parts to most webinars: the content and the sales pitch. You want to give an all-content webinar for the most part and you’ll be selling something at the end of your presentation. You promise to teach people something on the webinar. Then, if they want to learn more or dive deeper into the topic, they can purchase your product or sign up for coaching.

The funnel for a sales webinar is very simple. You drive traffic to a registration page by using the Who, What, Why, How script where you encourage the readers to sign up for the webinar. The interested prospects fill in their name and email to register. They’re now on your list.

Then you send them to a confirmation page where they are reminded of the date and time of the webinar and given instructions on how to call in. Often people can’t make it to the live webinar for some reason, so you send them the recording.

You will do a webinar live once, and then take the recording from that event and build out an Automated Webinar Funnel that will allow you to keep sending traffic to that website every day for ever. You keep selling your products 24/hour a day, 7 days a week, in every country in the world.

A typical webinar has 3 sections:

-The introduction
-The content
-The close (or the sales pitch).


This should take about five minutes. to introduce your subject, and your credibility.

Big Promise: Repeat the One Thing that got the participants to sign up in the first place… In the next 60 minutes, you are going to learn my exact strategy on “how to __________, without _________. “

Hook to End: Give the participants a reason to stick around all the way to the end of the webinar.

Don’t forget! At the end of the webinar, I’m going to give you a secret link where you can download a PDF of everything I’m going to show you today.

Command Attention: Tell them to close out of FB, turn off their cell phones, and give you their undivided attention.

Qualify Yourself: Let the participants know why you are qualified to speak on the subject.

Tell them your story.

Future Pace: Lead the viewers through some imagination exercises where they can picture what life could be like once they learn the secrets you’re about to reveal.


This is the core of the webinar. It should run about 1 hour, and it should deliver whatever content you promised in the registration script. Focus on one main idea and then reveal three secrets about that One Thing.

The One Thing… is the core content of this webinar. It’s the reason the participants showed up. What do they want or need to learn or understand? Every teaching point through the webinar must point back to THIS one thing. Use this simple format:

How to ____without ___.

After you explain this big idea—the One Thing— you share 3 secrets that will expand on what you promised to reveal. Typically, you create these three secrets to destroy the existing beliefs the participants might have that would keep them from purchasing your product at the end of the webinar.

SECRET #1: Break the false belief and Rebuild new belief

SECRET #2: Break the false belief and Rebuild new belief

SECRET #3: Break the false belief and Rebuild new belief


This section of the webinar should last at least ten minutes.
The Stack Slide has everything included in the offer. Introduce the first bullet point, talk about it, moves to the second bullet point, and so on… and stacked from the first mentioned to the last.

Then you show the final stack slide, with EVERYTHING listed, and recaps everything on that slide. Then, finally introduces the price. Now, the prospects associate the price with the full offer—not just the last thing you mentioned.

After you reveal your full stack slide, you want to show the total value of everything the buyers are going to receive. You need to anchor that price in their minds before you move on. You do that by introducing “If all” statements to anchor the offer and help the buyer justify the price you have given them. Use both “toward pleasure” and “away from pain” statements.

Those are all the core elements of a Perfect Webinar.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Communicate To Your Audience

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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