MLMT 37: How To Be heard In The Age Of Abundance

MLM Trigger Episode #37

Our story of the week is about Steve Larsen “How To Be heard In The Age Of Abundance". What you’re about to hear is Steve who was someone who got loud about his story of starting from zero and sharing his journey along the way. He documented and recorded his journey in detail everything he did on his podcast for others to follow. Each day he worked on the business-building aspect and the publishing aspect.

The first think he did was to research the biggest and most frequent podcasters.

He clicked on the ads that show up because he wanted to see what products these podcasters were using for their ad money to promote. 

The keywords “how to make money” are obviously a huge Red Ocean… Wealth… 

He researched who were buying the products and which communities already existed. 

He looked for the biggest complaints on the existing info products he could found in order to create his own unique product that would make him different. That way he could create his own Niche Market.

Then, he wrote and created a podcast "intro and outro" that included his positioning into the ecosystem of the Red Ocean Market and submarket.

He reached out to the A- B- C- level influencers and podcasters in his submarket for video interviews that he would turned into podcasts. He asked the question for an interview on “What are the 3 biggest...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

[The latest episode on Apple]