MLMT 116: How To Attract Your Dream Customer

MLM Trigger Episode #116

Today we are going to talk about where do you find the people to put into your sales funnel. Let’s elaborate with the three simple questions to help your find them.

With the three questions formula, you can find out WHO your dream customers are and WHERE they are.

The process of getting people to come to your website is called “driving traffic.”

How to attract more traffic to your funnel/website, but before we can address how to get those people, you have to understand the concept of “gathering.”

One of the great things about the Internet is the power of gathering. These unimportant groups of people gathering together in little corners of the Internet make it possible for people like you to get into business quickly and be successful without all the barriers and expensive hurdles of traditional media.

You want to understand the power of gathering because it’s one of the main reasons the Internet is such an amazing tool for businesses. Prior to the Internet, it was hard for people around the world to get together. We were limited by location and ability to communicate. But now it’s possible for anyone and everyone to discuss almost anything with groups of people who hold similar ideas and beliefs.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Attract Your Dream Customer

As a marketer, thanks to the Internet, you can hang out on forums and talk with people half way across the world. Now, if you have a product to sell, it’s easy and economical to go online, find where people are and get your message in front of them.

There are gatherings for everything you can dream up—from antiques buyers to car collectors. Once you understand the core concept of gatherings, driving traffic is incredibly easy.

Not sure where to search?

Just go to Google and type in your keywords plus the word forum or search for groups related to your keywords on Facebook. It might take a little digging, but you’ll find your target audience.

There are three questions you have to ask yourself to find and really tap into these group of people.


The Internet has changed when it comes to advertising to a targeted group of people. Today you can get as detailed as you want to- with the data available.

The more you can dig into not only their personality and interests, but also the underlying motivations that are leading them to your website, that make them choose you over similar offerings out there, the better you’ll be able to grab their attention and talk right to them through your marketing, branding, copy, email…

Because marketers are now able to target so many different characteristics so accurately, people have lost all patience for generalized, mass media messages. Consumers expect and demand that your advertising be extremely relevant to them.

Let’s say your MLM product help people who workout, get Six Pack Abs and your advertising speaks to men who love working out and want to get Six Pack Abs.

If I’m a woman who loves workout and want to get Six Pack Abs as well, you might want to create a separate message for me. It doesn’t matter that both target markets workout and want to get Six Pack Abs.

Consumers want and expect messaging that speaks directly to them, or they will likely ignore you. There’s just too much information bombarding us at all hours of the day and night. Our subconscious is forced to screen out anything that doesn’t directly apply to us, even though your product works for both men and women.

To create hyper-targeted messages, you have to know your target market inside-out. Successful businesses get inside of the customer’s mind and find out what the individual really cares about.

How your offerings make your customer feel about themselves that is why they’re really buying. The more you can understand those subconscious, emotional drivers, the better able you’ll be to connect with your customers on a level that leads to more sales and word of mouth (which is the best form of marketing of all!)

For example, in the “how to automate my MLM business online”. I think back to myself when I was frustrated about approaching my friends and family members or running out of people.

-What were my desires?
-What got me excited?
-Where did I look for more information?
-What words and phrases was I searching for?

I am trying to figure out what my mindset was at the time.

If you have a weight loss product.

-Who are the people in the weight loss market?
-What are they searching for? What problems do they want to solve?
-What questions do they need answered?

I suggest digging into your own experience to create a detailed picture for the product you are selling.

You want to go way beyond typical demographics when answering question number one: Who is your target market? Then, when you have an accurate picture, you can move on to the next question which we will cover on the next episode.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Attract Your Dream Customer

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a Sales Funnel.

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