MLMT 124: How To Analyze & Model A Proven System

MLM Trigger Episode #124

Today we are going to talk about how to lead your customers to the sale over and over again.

Before you start to build out any new sales funnel, the first thing you want to do is find other people who already have a successful funnel and are selling to your target market. When you find others who are already successfully selling something similar to your MLM product, then you want to do reverse engineering of what they’re doing and figure out where they are getting their traffic.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Analyze & Model A Proven System

The Internet is full of gurus teaching hundreds of different ways to generate traffic, and it seems like a new tactic pops up every day. You want to focus on where the traffic already exists and then just plunk yourself down in front of it and send it on a little detour to your site.

Why work hard to generate traffic when it’s already out there waiting for you. Let’s see how to Reverse Engineering your competitors’ sales funnels. You will learn how to understand what they are doing, where their traffic is coming from, and how to transform their traffic into your traffic.

The first step to reverse engineering existing traffic streams is understanding the five elements that go into any successful online ad campaign. You never want to start creating a funnel unless you know these five elements.

-Landing page
-Traffic source
-Ad copy

1. Demographics. The demographics are all the characteristics of the people you’re targeting. The demographics define who belongs in the target group and who doesn’t. We’re talking about to distinguish the factors, like age, sex, education, geographical location, income level, race, language, and political affiliations— all characteristics you can think of, that define those people you want to reach with your message.

Once you know the demographics of the people your competitors are going after in your MLM market, it’s very simple to know what you should be doing. You want to know, who your target market is, where they are hanging out online, what sites they’re on and where they get together to talk to each other. Once you have that information, it becomes very easy to scale your offer and build your business quickly.

So use the process of reverse engineering some products similar to yours, and you’ll found out very quickly where your competitors are placing their ads. By digging deeper and researching your competitors, a whole new world of opportunity will open for you.

2. Offer. The offer comes down to what you are selling and at what price point you are selling it, including your up-sells and down-sells.

When you are researching your competitors, you will purchase everything they offer you. It’s essential that you spend some money to study their offers and their funnels. And you want to keep details notes because this is a critical competitive research.

You want to know exactly:

-What they’re selling?
-How they’re selling it?
-What point they’re offering each product in their funnel?
-What they say on their sales videos?
-What emails you are getting?
-How many?
-Are they selling in every email?

The more you know and study it, the better chance of success you will have.

3. Landing Page. This is the page a person lands on right after they click on an ad, and it’s the most important page in your entire sales funnel.

-What does that page look like for your successful competitors?
-Is it an opt-in page?
-Is it a sales page?
-What is working for people right now?

You are going to reverse engineering of what is already working and you want to model that for your own page. You are going to make something very similar to what is already successful.

It always comes back to modeling what’s already working. Tony Robbins emphasized that if you want to be successful in any part of your life, you needed to find someone else who is already doing what you want to do and model your efforts after theirs. Do NOT try to re-invent the wheel “that’s the secret”.

4. Traffic Source.

-Where is your competitor’s traffic coming from?
-What are the specific websites that your competitor buys their advertising?

The traffic is already out there. So all you have to do— is find it, tap into it, and redirect it back to your offer.

5. Ad Copy. This is the last element of a successful campaign.

-What do successful ads look like?
-What makes people click on the ad?
-What pictures are your competitors using?
-What does the headline say?
-What does the body copy look like?
-Are your competitors using video?

All these things influence whether a person clicks on an ad or not.
Remember, traffic is made up of real people. People can be persuaded to click, but it can take months of trial and error to discover how to make that happen.

Don’t waste time trying to figure it out by blindly tweaking and adjusting your own advertising methods. Find what’s already working, and model it.

The whole reverse engineering process depends upon finding out about all five of these elements in regards to your competitors. You want as much data as possible before you start building out your offers, your landing pages, and your ads.

Keep digging, keep researching and never move forward until you find a niche where you can find all the data you need to move ahead and be profitable.

LISTEN ▶️ How To Analyze & Model A Proven System

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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