MLMT 211: How To Acquire Leads Using Email

MLM Trigger Episode #211

Today we are going to talk about email lead generation — WHAT is it — and WHY you need to apply it for your business.

Email lead generation is the process by which marketers collect email leads for their marketing efforts. At a minimum, quality email lead generation includes capturing first name, last name, and email address. It is the first step in setting up a successful email marketing strategy. Before you start writing content or creating subject lines, you need to generate leads.

To get the most out of your email opt-in strategy, you want to target the right customers. With any lead generation campaign, you first need to determine WHO your customers are so you can tailor your marketing efforts to their needs.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Acquire Leads Using Email

Email marketing can generate leads and nurture relationships with potential customers by sending them content that will eventually convert them into paying customers.

It’s also a cost-effective and highly efficient way to engage your audience and move them down the PURCHASE JOURNEY by giving relevant information and offers.

Even with all of the other marketing channels available, email engagement isn’t showing signs of slowing down anytime soon. In fact, 80% of marketers have seen an increase in email engagement over the last year.

So why do you need to apply it for your MLM business?

Because when it’s done right, email marketing can help your business:

Grow brand awareness and trust
Build relationships with potential customers
Provide value and education to prospects
Convert prospects into loyal customers

Target your ideal customer and get them to opt into your email list by creating valuable content. Meaning you first need to define what a lead is for your MLM business.

Is a lead someone who fills out a form on your website?
Someone who downloads your ebook?
Someone who attends a company MLM webinar?

That said, email lead generation is more than just gathering your potential customers information. Nurturing the leads is also part of the process since the ultimate goal of acquiring these leads is to turn them into loyal customers.

In order to encourage prospects to share their contact information with you, you need to offer something valuable in return.

Consider what your potential customers are looking for when they first land on your site. What are their pain points?
What do they want to learn more about?

After you determine what your audience wants to know, put this information into a valuable piece of content that prospects receive once they opt-in to your email list.

It can be an E-books or guide, checklist, downloadable resources or a course etc… Experiment with different opt-in to see what captures the most leads and refine your offering from there.

Here are some tactics to generating leads for your business:

--Optimizing your efforts with lead scoring. It’s a tactic to use to determine which prospects are most valuable to their business in in your MLM sales funnel.

--Emails can be easily misunderstood so it’s important to write clear and concise emails.

--Learn to grab attention with subject lines. That’s why you should write subject lines that make your readers crave for more.

--Your emails should have a clear and compelling CTA that readers can easily act on. Writing the ideal call to action can make or break your marketing campaign. It’s one of those factors that will directly impact your conversion rates.

--Use gated content that can be access only after providing your contact information.

--You want to leverage your social media channels because it’s an effective tool for growing your email list.

--Use email automation by creating emails that reach the right people at the right time with the right message without doing the work each time.

Provide valuable content that always wins when it comes to the marketing

--Targeting your audience’s needs
--Being authentic
--Remaining consistent
--Incorporating your content into various distribution channels.
--Offer enticing rewards to encourage your current customers to refer their family and friends to your email list.

Email marketing is the most effective technique to move leads efficiently through the sales funnel. Implement these tactics, and you will see your email lead engagement take off and start growing your customer base TODAY.

LISTEN: ▶️ How To Acquire Leads Using Email

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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