MLMT 146: How Can You Prove That Your Service Works

MLM Trigger Episode #146

We talked about how to communicate your new opportunity with your prospects… Today let’s talk about the strategies to use with the opportunity switch .

We’ve discussed the strategy for building a strong foundation so you can become a leader people will follow. You’ve created a NEW niche, a NEW opportunity for your audience.

But don’t forget that you aren’t an expert until someone pays you for your expertise. The relationship between you and your audience isn’t created until they pay you.

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Once you know those two questions on a basic level, you can move forward and design the perfect vehicle that your audience will love.

  1. What is the RESULT you want for your audience?
  2. What is the VEHICLE or process you are going to take them through to get that result?


The goal with your MLM business is not to lead with “How can I sell my product?” Instead, you want to ask:

How can I serve people?

How can I prove my service works?

How can I get results for somebody else?

Those results are going to sell your products and services.

It doesn’t matter if you’re selling physical products, digital information, or service programs. Go out there and work for free. Get some results.

If what you’re doing works, then capture those stories and testimonials.
Use them to attract and convert your dream customers.


The next questions are:

Where do you find people to serve?

What should you create to teach them?

You’re going to deliver a six-week opportunity switch masterclass.
You are going to teach a small group of people about your new opportunity and how it will give them the end result they desire most.

You’re not selling anything yet, but this beta masterclass will become the core content that you are going to teach for the people who will be paying you soon.

As a first step, you like to make a Who / What statement that quickly addresses which submarket your message is for, and what new opportunity they will be switching to.

“I am going to teach __ how to __.”

Try to create the Opportunity Switch headline title that focuses on the result this workshop will deliver. By using this phrase: How to [result they desire most] Without [thing they fear most]


It’s important to remember that people don’t buy what they need, they buy what they want. So you provide them with the new opportunity but you need to find out exactly what they want inside of that vehicle. If you do this correctly, they’ll feel like they’ve found their new home.

You accomplish this by running a simple one-question survey “Ask Campaign”.

This technique the Ask Campaign is based on a simple three-step formula:

-1 Find a hot market
-2 Ask them what they want
-3 Give it to them. That’s it…

After you get your first 100 responses by using the survey Ask Campaign… out of those 100, you’re going to find 8 to 10 core questions people are asking over and over. Those questions will become the titles of the modules in your masterclass.

People have just told you EXACTLY what they want to know. So take all the questions and rewrite them as bullet points to use in sales letters, ads, emails, webinars, and lots of other places.

All you have to do to deliver an amazing masterclass is find the answers to their questions and teach them in a way that will facilitate the best results. The participants will be happy because you’re answering their questions. You’re giving them exactly what they want.


Make your first masterclass simple, you need webinar platforms like Zoom. You’ll also need to let people know how to access the class.

As for teaching the actual class, you might decide to use PowerPoint slides. And while it doesn’t matters what format you actually teach it in, don’t forget to use stories because people listen and stories make lasting changes.

After you’ve completed your masterclass and have some great results that prove what you can do for people. The results you get from this beta group will become the fuel that grows your expert business.

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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