MLMT 77: His Signature Systems Was His Superpower

MLM Trigger Episode #77

Our story of the week is about Rob Kosberg “His Signature Systems Was His Superpower" What you’re about to hear Rob who had to start all over again…He DID NOT allow himself to become discouraged but rather focused on gratitude. He still had the most important things: his skills and perseverance. 

He contacted everyone he owed money to and ask that they give him a few months relief so he could focus on what needed to be done and pay them in full. 

He decided exactly what he wanted to build for himself and his family. His greatest motivation was to succeed for them and others who were relying on him. 

He asked the most important Questions: 1. What am I great at? 2. What do I enjoy doing? 3. What does the market want and need? 

He decided to work directly with people and engaged with them in the sales process and in delivering something awesome. So it could create a model that he could do for an extended period and build a business around. 

He also considered the skills that he...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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