MLMT 45: His Secret Engagement to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur

MLM Trigger Episode #45

Our story of the week is about Dan Henry “His Secret Engagement to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur" What you’re about to hear Dan who had to start over after losing everything and had no money. He didn't waste time meditating and got right to work immediately by making decisions.

He started by identifying the skills he had that other people would love to learn.

He then created a FB Group mentioning his skills and a call to action (CTA) for his niche to join his group. 

Next, he joined several niche groups containing people who are his target audience.

He recorded a quick video with his cell phone and post in the group… welcoming everyone and providing an up-front tip right away. 

Then he gave 100% value in the groups and helped people who asked questions, and kept his comment threads going. People could see the value he put out, click his profile and join his group.

He continued giving value in groups and did this until he had 200 members. Then he created a... 

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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