MLMT 262: Headlines People Can’t help But Click

MLM Trigger Episode #262

We talked how to write content to attract prospects. And today let’s talk about how to test your offer before spending money on advertising.

If there's one step you should take before spending money on Pay Per Click ads, landing pages or other marketing assets— it's testing.

Pre-testing can help you identify the strengths and weaknesses of your ads.

So you can make adjustments or improvements to evaluate the success of advertising efforts.

The easiest and surest way of selling any problem is to test it first. Yes, your irresistible offer should solve a problem. As you're crafting your offer and your sales message, you'll need to focus on the ONE big domino. You want to make sure to test it first, to see if you are pointed in the right direction.

LISTEN: ▶️ Headlines People Can’t help But Click

Testing your advertising of your offer is important, is the necessity for exercising good judgment after making the tests. It will give you confidence when you are proved right and it will teach you invaluable lessons when you are proved wrong. Testing advertisements allows you to see how people will react to specific messages and then you can adjust accordingly.

Why do 95% of the people you reach turn you down?

A better question would be WHY 5% did order… and analyze the why, which could uncover a way to reach more of the same kind of people. After all, those who buy are SOLD and all we need, is more like them. Remember that people have a definite reason for buying. And asking these people why they bought, will get you the right answer.

You also want to write headlines people can’t help but click. Why, because the better the headline, the better it will perform. A skill that plays a critical role in advertising are words. The choice of words matter, emotional words matter, character matter and headline type can all increase the clickthrough rate since they invoke strong reactions in people.

There are are tools to use to analyze and test your headline. However, after testing and more testing, we must remember that computers compute but they cannot THINK. The end of testing is only the beginning of your real problem.

Computers can adds, subtracts, multiplies, divides, sorts and classifies with the speed of light but your own brain must resolve what really matters that depend on own judgement.

If you want to rise above your competitors, your judgement becomes the master instead of only depending on the testing of an analyzer tool.

Yes you can do some headlines analyzer and keep the tests with successful results but keep an open mind as to when to quit. Use you head instead of just trusting the analyzer and temper your tests with sensible conclusions.

LISTEN: ▶️ Headlines People Can’t help But Click

Next: We are going to talk about how to use your imagination to create better offer

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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