MLMT 69: He Gave Himself Time To Dream

MLM Trigger Episode #69

Our story of the week is about Peng Joon “He Gave Himself Time To Dream" What you’re about to hear Peng about what did he learn losing it all and what he did about it to bounce back, not to get sympathy, but as a declaration to himself and the rest of the world.

Peng, objective was to get clarity on his goal of doing LIVE EVENT and generate $150,000 in sales within a month. He began with the end in mind and listed the numbers in order to hit his goal.


His strategy to do Live Event was to Build a webinar + selling his products.

He had to sell 50 Live Event tickets @ $1,000 each to make $50,000 and additional $100,000 in back-end sales. To sell 50 Live Event tickets, he needed 500 people showing up for his webinar for that to happen.

He built for his target audience a webinar funnel with a registration page, a thank-you page, a live and replay page and established the three main takeaways they will get by attending the webinar. Then he sent a simple thank-you page of the webinar registration.

He knew how to help...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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