MLMT 235:  Go Where Your Customers Are

MLM Trigger Episode #235

We talked about the WHO is your target audience to create the prefect marketing strategy to serve them and today let’s see where to find them.

Leveraging the power of social media platforms can significantly boost your traffic, by provided your audience what they need and want. But first they need to find you.

Pre-internet, it was expensive for a marketer to sell products to these audience. After all, you want to target people who were interested in what you have to sell.

If you sell hair care products, this is a huge mass market product, you could run ads on TV and know that mostly everyone who saw your ads could be interested, but it is way too expensive to run an ad.

But the internet changed everything. If you know were your dream customers are, you could go directly to wherever they are and just buy ads there. You know that 100% of the people who actually saw your ads are people interested in hair care products. Instead of wasting money showing your ads to millions of people who would not want or need your MLM product.

LISTEN: ▶️ Go Where Your Customers Are

The internet has made it so that when you find where your dream customers are… it’s like catching fish in a barrel. You simply have to find the barrel of fish with your dream customers and throw in your hooks. If your hook is good, it will pull people from that barrel into your funnels.

Here are some questions you should be asking yourself at this point:

1-What are the top websites that my dream customers already go to?
2-What forums or message boards do they participate in?
3-What are the Facebook groups they engage in?
4-Who are the influencers they follow on Facebook and Instagram?
5-What podcasts do they listen to?
6-What are the email newsletters they are subscribed to?
7-What blogs do they read?
8-What channels are they following on YouTube?
9-What keywords are they searching for in Google to find information?

These questions will help you to start identifying where your dream customers are hiding. The answers to these questions should be simple, especially if you are your dream customer.

You don’t have to “create” traffic, because (your dream customer) is already there.

Your job is to identify where they are, tap into those existing streams of traffic, throw out some hooks, and then get a percentage of your dream customers to start coming to you.

You want to think about how to sell your MLM products or services.
First identify who your dream customers are— that would want your products and where they are gathering.

Make a list of everywhere your dream customers might be gathering and write:

10+ top websites and forums they spent time on
10+ active Facebook groups they participated in
10+ influencers they followed on Facebook and Instagram
10+ podcasts they listened to
20+ email newsletters they subscribed to
20+ blogs that they actively read
20+ YouTube channels they subscribed to

If you could build a relationship with one of them and get just one YES, that could turn into hundreds or thousands of new customers.

If your dream customer would be someone who is trying to get healthier. Then find these dream customers and create a list.

Advertising in Facebook allow you to target to people with certain interests.

So ask these questions:

What network marketing companies are they in?
What Facebook groups are they in?
What Instagram channels are they in?
what hashtags are they following?

After we identified them, try to figure out who are the influencers of these group.
Who do we need to become friends with?
Your focus is to figure out the best ways to infiltrate them.

The first core strategy is to identifying your dream customers.

Second is to advertise and get them into your funnels.

And remember to respect the fact that people like to consume media in their own favorite ways because they are already on the platform that they love.

There are two ways that your dream customers will find you:

Either they’re going to search, like when someone goes to Google or any other search platform, they type in a keyword phrase looking for something OR they’re going to interact with things that interest them where you will INTERRUPT them with your advertising.

LISTEN: ▶️ Go Where Your Customers Are

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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