MLMT 219: Get Targeted Leads Daily

MLM Trigger Episode #219

In our last episode… We talked about the evolution of MLM marketing that can change your business and today let’s see how to generate hundreds of leads without prospecting. Lead Generation

What is the greatest challenge for network marketers? It’s generating leads… right?

And if we could get leads without approaching complete strangers that would be a dream come true for many of us.

Before you can even begin to sell you product… you need to know the exact role your product plays in your prospect’s life. Solving problems is what you do. It may not always seem like it, but it’s the focus point of it all… this is WHAT your role is. In reality your product needs to be sold as a result to a certain need.

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The good news is that many of your marketing efforts do not need to look or feel like selling. In fact, the most effective marketing techniques don’t involve to bully your prospects into buying your products or services. Instead, HELP them in a manner that doesn’t look or feel like you’re marketing it.

Traditional MLM goes around and use the same recycled marketing pitch and says “Hey, pitch everyone, all the time.” It’s not a scalable model because you only have so much time.

If you’re not using an application funnel or some kind of recruiting funnel, you don’t know if the people who are coming in also have the same kind of desires and drive that you have.

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself as a network marketer, is the gift of following the info product model on the Internet.

So what does that means for you as a network marketer?

An info product is usually a detailed explanation of how something works. It is delivered in a consumable method to an audience in need of that information.

Whether that info product covers how to use a certain product or how to build a marketing funnel. Actually there are info products out there for almost every topic you can think of.

Give away the info for free that is really valuable for the people who are looking for it. You want to offer something innovative and radically different that will light a fire in them to not only buy your product, but also to act on the information and education your product or service delivers.

Why does this matter?

A free asset that has so much value invite people to do business with you. This opens up relationships with your prospects which transforms them into customers or associates. When you give valuable things for free, people are more interested to see the value inside the items you sell.

The goal is to set up these little mechanisms all over the Internet and orchestrate pressure. You want everyone to look at what you are doing.

Kind of like… Think about Hollywood.

Do you think movies in Hollywood would be as effective if no one heard about the movie until the day it launched? Of course NO.

Hollywood has the perfect model and they use over and over again. They release a preview, eight months before the movie comes out and then a new one six months after and then four and then two before the movie comes out.

They take the most exciting parts of the story and they’re showing them. That becomes the preview. And if you want to fill in the gaps, you have to go to see the movie. Everyone knows when it comes out.They keep telling you here’s the date you can go see it. That is pressure.

How to strategize and attract your dream leads to your virtual doorstep?

One way to generate traffic is to create content and give it for free (this is exactly what I’m doing). Traffic increases the visibility of your brand. More eyes on your content equals more opportunities for engagement, conversion and ultimately sales.

Another way to attract visitors online is social media. Search the channels where your audience hangs out. Don’t forget about email marketing, a tried and true way to drive traffic.
Or perhaps you want to do paid advertising by giving your strategy a boost.

Ads maybe in FB but you can’t drive traffic directly to your MLM. Facebook has a hard time with that. So don’t and follow the FB rules. There is not some secret loophole. So don’t promote your MLM directly in FB. What you can do is promoting something in the front-end, and bring people into your MLM company from the back-end.

If you want to advertise in FB, you can outsource it. Then go find people WHO are as obsessed in their thing like Facebook ads and you hired someone for their expertise. Outsourcing is an investment, and you can get a good return from it.

Your ads is generating money and you re-invest it straight back into more ads and you literally self-liquidate your expenses.

In some form or fashion, you will always purchase the customer…

Whether it’s: Through money "the cost to acquire through ad spend" OR "Through your time."

If you’re going to spend your time— SPEND IT ONCE. Go and create content. Something that lives on beyond just the time you took to create it and make it evergreen (timeless)

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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