MLMT 99: Closes To Strengthen Your Argument

MLM Trigger Episode #99

We talked about how to create lots of little statements that get your audience to think or say yes— over and over again while you are doing your presentation. Today we’re going to talk about the second type of closes that you want to also use during your presentation.

When you get to the end of the presentation and start the stack, there are lots of really good closes you can use repeatedly. Pick a handful of CLOSES to help strengthen your argument. Chose the ones that flow naturally and make the most sense to you.

For each close below, briefly explain the concept then show you how you would use that close in your own presentations.

Money is Good: The goal of this CLOSE is to get people to disassociate their fear about spending money with you. Money is just a tool that was created for exchange. You spend money to get something greater in return. Other than that, there is no real value in money. You can’t use it to stay warm, you can’t eat it, you can only trade it for something else that you want.

Just think, everyone who exchanges money for something does it because they feel that what they are getting in exchange is greater than keeping the money or using it for something else.

LISTEN: ▶️ Closes To Strengthen Your Argument

But my question for you is this.

Would you exchange that money for those results? If the answer is yes, then you need to get started right now. And if you have any fear that it might not be able to get those results, we’ll give you your money back.

Disposable Income: The goal of this CLOSE is to help them realize that they are spending the disposable income on things that aren’t serving them well, and by spending that money on things that will help them grow, they will have long-term fulfillment.

Most people in this world live paycheck to paycheck. Every couple of weeks they get paid and they pay their fixed costs like rent and food. Then there’s usually some money left over… Disposable income.

Most people are going to blow that every single month. If they have $1,000 in disposable income, they’re going to spend it until it’s gone.

But the cool thing is that money replenishes. Every two weeks—boom!

There’s another $1,000 in disposable income they can spend. Most people spend that cash on things that don’t really add value to their lives in a meaningful way.

What you’re trying to do is help them spend their money on something valuable. That’s the power of disposable income—it comes back. Every two weeks—boom! There’s more money.

Money Replenishes: The goal for this CLOSE is to help people realize that while each month money comes back, time does not and if they’re not careful, they will run out of time.

Every month, money replenishes, right?

But this is the key— time does NOT replenish. It disappears. So you could go out and spend months or years of your valuable time to figure something out—but you will never get that time back… the time is wasted and gone forever. Instead, you could save that time and effort, because I’ve already spent it for you, and work directly with me instead. It will cost you money to get started, but that money will come back.

Break Old Habits: The goal for this CLOSE is to help them realize that if they leave today without investing, nothing in their life will change.

Habits are really hard to change. You could leave the webinar right now and go enjoy the rest of the afternoon.

If YOU leave now, you might think you learned a lot of great stuff, and by morning tomorrow you’ll have already got back into your normal routines… doing what you’ve always done. That’s what most people do.

But because as a coach, a friend, a mentor, the goal is not going to let you go back to your old habits. A mentor is going to make sure you’re successful by breaking them. If you want real, lasting results, you need repeated exposure to the full system. That is what you will get when you invest today.

Information Alone: The goal for this CLOSE is to help them understand that, while they have gotten some awesome information, they can’t rely on information alone. They need coaching. That how the whole system works. You have been shown how you can ------------ whatever-------------. And that you only need -----------whatever---------- to make this all work.

But you know what? To be successful with this, you’re going to need more than information alone. You can be successful with this system, but you’re going to need coaching. You will have questions that need answering. The job of a coach is to not let you quit on yourself.

Information alone won’t cut it. If information were enough, then you could have just turned to Google. You need a guide who has been there before, who can take you to the finish line right now.

Money or Excuses:

The goal of this CLOSE is to get them to quit making excuses about why they can’t buy. There are only two kinds of people. Those who are good at (making money, losing weight, or.) and those who are good at making excuses. You can’t be both.

If you’re the one making excuses... you’re going to have a really hard time.

The good news is that you get to choose. In this moment, you can choose which type of person you’re going to be. Don’t be someone who makes excuses, be someone who actually go full out.

LISTEN: ▶️ Closes To Strengthen Your Argument

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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