MLMT 196:  Build A Massive Downline

MLM Trigger Episode #196

We talked about the LEAD MAGNET to boost your MLM growth. Today is about the strategy for beginners to create a lead magnet.

A lead magnet has become one of the best ways for network marketers to grow their email lists. But, the internet made it difficult for newbies to really understand what lead magnets are, why they matter and what makes them so effective.

A lead magnet is some form of free value that you give to someone in exchange for their contact information. There’s multiple different forms of media that you can use to provide this value, but in many cases it’s just a simple PDF download or a video series.

LISTEN: ▶️ Build A Massive Downline

One of the most important pieces for your MLM business is your list, whether it’s a list of emails or phone numbers. You have probably heard it again and again, the MONEY is in the LIST. Your list is the only source of lead that you truly OWN, everything else is just rented. Which means someone else (like Facebook or Google or even your MLM company), can decide to shut down your site whenever they want to…

So having a list is really IMPORTANT and with a lead magnet is how you quickly grow your list. In today’s world people’s inboxes are bursting with marketing emails and people don’t want to deal with anymore than they have to. Getting someone to give you their email address is still a transaction, so you have to give them something valuable in return for their email.

If you pick the right topic for your lead magnet, it will help to qualify your dream customer. Out of all of the people who might see your marketing, your lead magnet gets very specific people to raise their hand as interested in what you do. Then you can specifically talk to those people, instead of the entire world.

By filtering out who’s opting in, you don’t have to waste your time marketing to people who are not interested in your MLM product or opportunity. This narrows it down to just people who are interested in your products and repelling the one who won’t buy anything anyway.

So what can you offer as a lead magnet?

The shortest answer is pretty much anything that your dream customer will find valuable. The most challenging part of making a lead magnet for most people is creating an offer that would be something that your customers would need and want.

So you could create: Ebook - How to guide - Checklist - Training video/series - Webinars - Case studies - Templates - Samples products - Resource lists…
The list is endless.

One thing to keep in mind is that the lead magnet needs to be automated so you can fulfill as many as you need without extra effort.

That’s why video trainings and ebooks are used so often, you make it once and then your email automation can send it to people anytime they sign up, leaving you free to focus on getting more prospects to see your lead magnet.

If you’re doing a video, you can just make a YouTube video “unlisted” so that only people who opt-in on your landing page can see it. And anything you want in a PDF, like checklists or how to guides you can use CANVA or for an ebook, you can write it inside of google docs and download it as a PDF that you can share.

So the first step to delivering your lead magnet is to collect a visitor’s contact information, turning them into a lead for your MLM business. The simplest and easiest way to do that is with a specific type of landing page called a squeeze page.

A squeeze page just explains what your lead magnet is and the value it provides, then has a form visitors can fill out to get the free lead magnet. There’s plenty of different softwares you can use to build a squeeze page, but personally use Groove. Once the visitor submits the form and becomes a lead they are automatically redirected to a Thank you page.

You have two main options on how to make your Thank you page:

1. Just have the lead magnet or a download button on the Thank you page.

2. You can thank them for opting in on the Thank you page and then use their contact information to deliver the lead magnet to them a few minutes later.

If you’re planning on doing email marketing to the leads you get, option 2 is going to work better. Because people will have to go get the freebie from their actual email and also when they open it, it automatically tells their email provider that your email address isn’t spam.

This setup will allow you to eventually transition your lead funnel into a self-liquidating offer funnel where you offer them a product they can buy on the Thank you page. This offer combined with a couple of up-sells can cover the cost of your advertising to get new leads, meaning you can get FREE leads into your business.

LISTEN: ▶️ Build A Massive Downline

May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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