MLMT 82: Breaking False Beliefs By Telling Stories

MLM Trigger Episode #82

We talked about the elements of a good story and how to structure it. Michael Hauge showed the patterns of conflict that are consistent with almost all Hollywood movies and the 5 turning points that create the emotion. Now we are going to focus on THE EPIPHANY BRIDGE SCRIPT

Now that you understand the concept of the structure of the hero’s two journeys, we have everything we need to start creating powerful Epiphany Bridge Script

The Epiphany Bridge Script follows a similar path as the hero’s two journeys, but has to be build it in a way that makes telling your stories very simple. 

You’ll be telling a lot of stories, so mastering this script will become one of the most important things you could ever do. Let ’s see how it works. 

An Epiphany Bridge story has eight core sections that pull you through the hero’s two journeys. There are the questions that goes with each section, and answering each question actually creates your story. 

We will go into more...

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