MLMT 24: Automate To Dominate Your Business

MLM Trigger Episode #24

Once I got invited to this really nice party. There were going to be a whole bunch of women getting together. It was a very friendly environment and people were happy and laughing and within 30 minutes I realize it was a MLM party… Have you ever experience this before?

I realized that what this person had been treating me nicely because she wanted me to join her MLM that she was in. I felt like I was tricked and this invitation was not sincere and there was something for her own interest… 

I realized that I would NEVER WANT TO DO THIS to others. I created a system around my MLM that allowed me to have people ask me to join my downline. 

I want to PROTECT my team and myself with an automated system to talk to people who are my Ideal Customer / Avatar 

I created a process to identify people who wanted to be involved in an MLM company first… because I need to find ways to find people who had this pre-disposition to buy or join my downline. I am building the mechanism to auto recruit people into my down-line. Do you want to know how I am doing it?

I spent couple years going through the top MLMer’s out there. I purchased and went through all their different courses. I started taking as much content as I could and these patterns started to emerge. All the top earners were doing the same things. 

It wasn’t anything like what ...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

[The latest episode on Apple]