MLMT 52: Are You Living Up To Your Attractive Character Promise?

MLM Trigger Episode #52

The last piece of the puzzle you need to create your movement is something call the New Opportunity, or the vehicle for change that you are offering to people. This is by far the most important, yet least understood, part of the process. The difference between having some modest success and changing the world comes down to understanding and implementing the NEW OPPORTUNITY.

When you study the successful mass movements of the past, you’ll notice that each of the leaders offered theirs followers a new opportunity.

In 2001, Steve Jobs stood in front of the world and told everyone he wanted to revolutionize the music industry. Then he pointed out all the “improvement” offers that promised to get us more of the same. You could buy a CD and get 10–15 songs. You could buy an MP3 player and get about 150 songs, or use a heavy hard drive that held about 1,000 songs. Each product improved the one before it, gave people more songs on one device. 

Steve Jobs wanted to create a New Opportunity where someone could bring their entire music library—ALL their CDs and digital music—everywhere they went. And he wanted people to carry it inside their pockets. That’s when he pulled the first iPod out of his pocket, showed everyone the New Opportunity he created, and transformed the music industry forever.

He did it again when he...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

[The latest episode on Apple]