MLMT 39: Are You Capable of Catching The Big Break

MLM Trigger Episode #39

Our story of the week is about Akbar Sheikh “Are You Capable of Catching The Big Break " What you’re about to hear is Akbar who was homeless and suffered from a crippling anxiety disorder. He had no money, he didn't even have a roof over his head.

Here’s the thing, as an entrepreneur and an artist, his mind was a canvas.
He needed to declutter and have a talk with himself, inspired himself, and told himself.
That all that stuff...didn’t matter. This happened to so many at some point in life, but this was what built character. Or he was going to curl up and accept failure or he was going to go make it happened.

He knew that everything he needed was within. He knew it was scientifically impossible to fail if he didn't give up and keep going in the right direction.

He read some inspirational stories of top leaders who’ve all been at the bottom who failed but overcame it. He knew that this was his test to prove that he was worthy, that he could make a difference in the world and he will not let this define him.

He made a list of...

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May you be wealthier,


The top producers in MLM don't make a list of 200 people, don't do home meetings or anything like that. They use something equivalent of a sales funnels.

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